Bradley Walsh’s Hilariously Savage Moment on ‘The Chase’

Bradley Walsh, the host of ‘The Chase,’ delivered a hilarious and savage moment on the show during a recent episode. Let’s dive into the entertaining incident where a contestant’s answer led to some sharp exchanges.

A Question About ‘Only Fools and Horses’

During a Monday episode of ‘The Chase,’ contestant Dan faced a question related to the popular BBC show ‘Only Fools and Horses.’

He was asked to identify the character known for calling Rodney the wrong name.

The specific question was: “Which ‘Only Fools and Horses’ character says ‘Ain’t there no words to this Dave?’ when listening to Mozart with Rodney?”

A Wrong Answer and Bradley’s Reaction

Dan, who confessed to never having seen the classic comedy series, mistakenly chose the character Delboy as the answer.

However, the correct answer was Trigger. Bradley Walsh, clearly unimpressed with the incorrect response, couldn’t hold back and asked Dan, “What planet do you live on?”

Labeling Dan as “Desperate Dan”

Still disappointed by the wrong answer, Bradley labeled Dan as “desperate Dan.” The situation didn’t improve for the contestant as he later suggested that Delboy, Rodney’s brother, could have been the right answer.

This left Bradley even more exasperated, knowing that Dan’s chances of progressing were slim.

Bradley’s Sharp Response

Bradley responded by saying, “That could be the end of it of a full house now.” Dan remained hopeful, stating, “I’ve still got one more!” Bradley, with a hint of annoyance, told Dan to settle down, emphasizing that he knew the game.

Dan admitted he didn’t know the answer, and Bradley playfully remarked, “Well, don’t tell me what to do, I know what I’m doing!”
