Vatican Prepares for Global Celebration as Children from 100+ Countries Converge in Rome for World Children’s Day Weekend with Pope

The Vatican is preparing to host children from more than 100 countries in Rome for a special weekend event with Pope Francis.

Inspired by Jesus’ Example:

The establishment of World Children’s Day was announced by Pope Francis in December 2023 with the intention of prioritizing the well-being of children.

In his statement, the Pope emphasized the importance of placing children at the center and ensuring their care, echoing the example set by Jesus.

Origin of World Children’s Day:

The idea for World Children’s Day was proposed to Pope Francis by a 9-year-old boy named Alessandro.

Inspired by the success of World Youth Day, Alessandro suggested the creation of an international event specifically tailored for younger children.

Culmination with Mass at St. Peter’s Square:

The two-day event will culminate with a Mass celebrated by Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Square on May 26, coinciding with the solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity.

Organizational Efforts:

Fr. Enzo Fortunato, a Franciscan priest, is leading the organization of World Children’s Day for the Vatican.

He expressed the goal of viewing the world through the perspective of children, highlighting their significance as the hope and future of humanity.

Fr. Fortunato also extended gratitude to Roberto Benigni and other contributors for their dedication to children worldwide.

Celebrating Children’s Importance:

The event aims to celebrate the importance of children and their role in shaping the future.

It represents a collective effort to prioritize children’s well-being and provide them with a platform for their voices to be heard and valued.

Religion News