Heartbreaking Diagnosis: Two-Year-Old Diagnosed with Stage 4 Liver Cancer

Heartbreaking Diagnosis: Two-Year-Old Diagnosed with Stage 4 Liver Cancer

Vanessa Hyland’s world took a devastating turn after a routine doctor’s visit unveiled a life-altering diagnosis for her two-year-old son, Lachlan.

Vanessa, a mother from Queensland, previously led a peaceful life with her husband Shannon and their two sons, Jack, 7, and Lachie.

A Routine Doctor’s Visit Unveils a Nightmare

The unsuspecting journey began when baby Lachie returned from daycare with a slight temperature, prompting Vanessa to seek a pediatrician’s medical certificate. Little did she know that this visit would change their lives forever.

The pediatrician noticed Lachie’s ‘swollen’ stomach, a concerning sign that led to a series of tests revealing a daunting diagnosis: Hepatoblastoma, a cancer originating in liver tissue.

A Mother’s Shock and Heartache

Recalling the initial doctor’s appointment, Vanessa expressed her fear and heartache.

The doctor’s decision to consult the head of the practice sent shivers down her spine, and the subsequent blood tests and ultrasound uncovered inflammatory markers of concern.

The unimaginable truth emerged when they found a vascular tumor on Lachie’s liver.

Surgery and Hope

Nine days after the initial doctor’s visit, young Lachie underwent surgery to insert a central line, marking the beginning of a six-month chemotherapy journey.

His hopeful prognosis indicates that the cancer is curable at this stage, and the family prays for his complete recovery.

Navigating the Challenges

Despite the cancer having grown for over a year, Lachie’s slight temperature after daycare was the first indication of trouble.

Vanessa and Shannon are thankful for the support of friends and neighbors who have stepped in to provide assistance.

With limited extended family, the couple faces the challenge of explaining the situation to their two sons, Lachie and Jack.

Financial Strain

In addition to the emotional toll, the family must grapple with the financial strain of hospital stays and treatment.

Both Vanessa and Shannon are on unpaid leave from work, and they foresee the financial burden extending for years. They are seeking ways to manage their resources day by day during this difficult period.

Supporting Lachie’s Treatment

A community effort has begun to support Lachie’s treatment costs, providing hope and relief to the family during this trying time.

Donations are being sought to help ease the financial burden and ensure the best possible care for their son.

To contribute to Lachie’s treatment costs, you can donate here, standing in solidarity with this Queensland family as they face the challenges of childhood cancer.

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