From Vegas to Glasgow: An American’s Journey in Scotland

American in Scotland: Lua’s Hilarious Take on Cultural Differences

Lua Rodriguez Murphy, a former Las Vegas resident, found herself in a world of cultural differences when she moved to Scotland. In her amusing TikTok videos, she shares her experiences.

Scotland vs. America: A Culture Clash

An American’s Take on Life in Scotland

Lua Rodriguez Murphy, known as ‘luluowl’ on TikTok, left Las Vegas for Glasgow after meeting her now-husband, Kevin.

In her videos, she hilariously explores the stark differences between her American background and Scottish life.

Scots and Their Measures: No “Free Pours” Here

In her TikToks, Lua shares her observations about how Scots handle their drinks. Coming from a place known for “free pours” and “free shots,” she was surprised by the meticulous measures taken in Glasgow bars.

The Mystery of the Missing Happy Hour

Lua also delves into the absence of a “happy hour” tradition in Scotland’s bars and clubs. She admits she’s yet to come across it during her time in the country.

The Sugar Tax Shock: A Healthier Perspective

The Soft Drinks Industry Levy (SDIL), also known as the sugar tax, took Lua by surprise. She talks about how the UK implemented this tax in 2018 to combat obesity, and how it affected her family’s choice of beverages.

Quality Over Quantity: Scottish Food Wins

Lua appreciates the higher quality of food in Glasgow. She contrasts it with the heavily processed and chemical-laden products she was accustomed to in the U.S. She notes that some American foods are even restricted or illegal in the UK.

Linguistic Challenges: Pronouncing Edinburgh and More

In one video, Lua tackles the common American mispronunciation of “Edinburgh” and educates her followers on the correct way to say it. She also shares her struggles with pronouncing Scottish names, like “Hamish.”

Scottish Quirks: “So I Am” and Seasonal Phrases

Lua finds the habit of ending sentences with “so I am” endearing. She also notes that certain Scottish phrases are seasonal, such as “it’s roastin'” in the summertime.

Embracing a Scottish Summer

Despite the differences, Lua embraces the joys of a Scottish summer. She talks about the long daylight hours, the tradition of hanging clothes out to dry, and the locals soaking up the sun.

The Charm of Bagpipes: Lua’s Love for Scottish Traditions

In her final video, Lua expresses her love for bagpipes and her desire to have them at significant life events. She shares her enthusiasm for Scottish culture and its unique traditions.

Lua’s Journey: Laughing Through the Culture Shock

Lua Rodriguez Murphy’s journey from Las Vegas to Glasgow is a lighthearted exploration of the cultural differences she’s encountered. Her TikToks provide a humorous and insightful take on adapting to life in Scotland.

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