Man Present in Mohbad’s Vehicle at the Time of Incident Denies Fleeing Nigeria

Man Present in Mohbad’s Vehicle at the Time of Incident Denies Fleeing Nigeria

Aderinte Ademola’s Response to Fleeing Rumors

Aderinte Ademola, the individual who was present in the vehicle where the untimely passing of singer Mohbad was announced and subsequently shared online, has come forward to refute claims that he has fled Nigeria.

Speculation had been circulating online, suggesting that Ademola had left Nigeria for Dubai in an attempt to evade police interrogation.

However, in a live session on his Instagram account, Ademola addressed these rumors, asserting that he is currently in Lagos and not in Dubai, contrary to what had been circulating on social media.

The Viral Video Incident

The incident in question involved a video that became widely circulated on September 12, featuring three young men inside a vehicle with Mohbad positioned on their laps. In the video, one of the individuals can be seen weeping as he announced Mohbad’s passing.

Aderinte Ademola was situated in the middle of the three young men during this incident.

Setting the Record Straight

Aderinte Ademola’s public statement serves as a response to the rumors and speculations that had been circulating regarding his whereabouts in the aftermath of the incident involving Mohbad.

By clarifying that he is in Lagos and not in Dubai, Ademola aims to address the false information that had been circulating on social media platforms.

In times of sensitive events and viral incidents, the spread of unverified information and rumors can contribute to confusion and misinformation.

Ademola’s statement serves as an attempt to set the record straight and provide accurate information about his current location, dispelling the notion that he has fled Nigeria.

As investigations and inquiries into the circumstances surrounding Mohbad’s passing continue, individuals involved in the incident may find themselves in the spotlight.

Clarity and accurate information are essential in ensuring that the truth prevails amid a backdrop of speculation and conjecture.

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