How You Should Know If You’re Not The Only One He Dates

Being made aware that you are the side chic in your relationship can be a very unpleasant experience.
Despite the fact that there is no need for a man to be dating two women at the same time, people find themselves in this situation.
Here are a few signs that things isn’t right.
It’s worth noting that you’ve never met any of his friends.
Any male who genuinely cares about her looks will be drawn to an attractive lady.
This also applies to his friends.
The fact that you are presented to his friends shows that he is genuinely interested in you and wants to brag about you.
However, if it seems that he is the only person you know, with no other friends, relatives, or siblings, I am concerned that he is not really interested in you at this time.
He Doesn’ t Pay Attention To You All That Much
One thing about men is that they like being in the company of the lady they adore.
They will constantly beg to visit you or to have you come over to their place.
On the other hand, if you only see him once or maybe twice a week, he will see you but will devote the most of his time to his true partner.
Consequently, you are not his primary female if he is not devoting his time to you.
You Don’ t Go On Dates With Anybody
Dates are quite vital in a relationship that has to flourish in order to survive.
If your boyfriend does not take you out of the home, most likely to attend a movie, have lunch, or do anything pleasant, it is not because he does not want to, but rather because he does not have the financial means to do so.
There Are No Photographs Of The Both Of You To Be Found
If you’ ve been dating him for a long, it’ s likely that there are images of the two of you on social networking sites like Instagram.
However, when you attempt to photograph him, he becomes agitated and instructs you not to publish anything on the internet.
Come on, you’ re aware of what’ s going on.
It’ s not because he believes he seems unattractive in photographs.
It’ s because he doesn’ t want anybody else to find out that he’ s having an intimate encounter with you.
He Is Too Possessive Of His Phone
True and healthy relationships are not hidden from view.
If your boyfriend is not willing to allow you to go through his phone, watch a movie, or read through social media, it is likely that he is concealing something from you.
If he’ s erasing his complete call log every day and encrypting his images, there’ s something fishy going on there.

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