Five major new features in iOS 17 that will revolutionize your iPhone experience, and how to access it before the general public.

Next month, alongside the iPhone 15, Apple will release iOS 17.Several extras, such as live voicemails and NameDrop, are provided as well.Over half a million people subscribe to Kim Komando’s free newsletter because she is an expert in her field. Here is where you may register.Published on by Kim Komando As of 7:28AM EST on September 3, 2023

Let’s not sugarcoat this. It’s not worth spending extra money on a new phone every few years. It’s speedier and has a better camera, but that doesn’t really matter to most people.The rumored price of Apple’s iPhone 15 Pro Max (2TB of storage) when it is introduced in the middle of September is $2,100. True, a high-end iPhone costs roughly twice as much as a MacBook Pro.On the flip side, there is no cost associated with downloading and installing new software. The new iOS 17 release from Apple introduces a plethora of improvements and additions.

If you can’t wait till the September release, has compiled five of our favorite apps and explained how to upgrade right now. Inquiring minds want to know: when do your loved ones get home via text? If you have Apple’s new Check In function turned on, you’ll receive an alert as soon as a loved one or friend arrives safely at their destination.

Check In also broadcasts your friend’s current location, remaining battery life, and cell service quality to you.Apple assures us that our data is secure by using end-to-end encryption to prevent any snooping. Sending you helpful tech hints and advice: Take advantage of my free expert guidance.Streaming in real timeThose of us of a certain vintage may recall the days of interactive voicemail, when we could answer the phone mid-message if we thought the call was important.With Live Voicemail, Apple is bringing it back.

The message is transcribed instantly and you can pick up the call with Live Voicemail.You can rest assured that your voicemails are safe because every transcription is kept locally on your smartphone.The nicest feature is probably that unwanted calls are automatically rejected and never go to Live Voicemail. Woohoo!Is the update available for your phone? Some devices can’t run iOS 17.

To find out if your iPhone qualifies, go here.Simply contact me.With AirDrop, you may quickly and easily send photographs to other nearby iPhones or Apple devices.With NameDrop, Apple is now upgrading to the next level.When two iPhones (or an iPhone and an Apple Watch) are brought together, users may instantly exchange contact information, eliminating the need for cumbersome business cards.

You can use NameDrop at any event, not only mixers. The SharePlay function makes it simple to trade media files with other nearby iPhone users, such as for the purpose of playing a game or watching a movie. Really delicious.Take heed Admire Apple’s AirPods? Hey, you, take this. The latest iOS version introduces a slew of improvements to Automatic Switching and call management, as well as new options for customizing the listening experience.

Concerning Kim Komando Make like you’re a seasoned techie even if you aren’t. You have at your disposal the popular and award-winning host Kim Komando. Hear it on one of 425+ radio stations or subscribe to the podcast. And join over 500,000 people who receive her daily email newsletter in only 5 minutes a day for free. Advertisement
Adaptive Audio dynamically adjusts the volume of your playing media in response to your physical location and the activity of those around you. When it identifies a discussion taking place close by, discussion Awareness will automatically lower the volume of your music and reduce the background noise. Accurately Yours The volume always stays at your preferred level since Volume learns your habits. To each his ownIncoming calls from loved ones might take on a new look thanks to the Contact Poster feature, which allows you to upload a photo of yourself.

New fonts and color schemes are at your disposal. It’s a huge improvement above the standard of just one thumbnail image. Obtain it before the masses do.If you’re willing to participate in the beta testing of iOS 17, you can install it right away. Keep in mind that there could still be issues with the beta software. iOS 17 is nearly finished and is ready for optimization at this point. Go to Apple’s website and register for the Beta Software Program. Keep a copy of your important data on your PC or in iCloud. Select Software Update from the General section of the Settings menu. Find the option to “Enable Beta Updates” in the menu. Download the iOS 17 Public Beta. Make sure you have a recent backup of your phone before installing the beta software. If you encounter particularly severe issues during testing, you can always revert to a previous save.

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