How to Improve Your Confidence as You Get Older

In Western society, the tides are changing as it relates to ageism. As celebrities like Jennifer Lopez and Angela Bassett showcase what it looks like to get better with time, more people continue to search for ways to get better as they get older.

If you want to improve your confidence as you get older, know that it’s important to take a holistic approach. If you solely focus on your looks, you might still feel empty on the inside.

If you solely focus on your internal conversation, you’ll miss out on the physical benefits you can enjoy. In order to develop balance as you improve your confidence, consider the following tips.

1. Exercise Daily

A regular exercise routine provides so many benefits. Exercise is excellent for developing a strong, healthy heart, releasing stress and managing weight.

As you get older, your metabolism naturally slows down. In order to maintain a certain physique or build the body you desire, you’ll need to commit to an exercise regimen. If you want to be long, lean and toned, Pilates is a great option.

If you want to bulk up and build strong curves, lifting heavy weights will be important. As you move your body on a daily basis, you’ll feel and look better. In return, your confidence will improve.

2. Improve Your Nutritional Intake

You are what you eat. If you choose to eat junk food all of the time, you’ll increase your blood sugar levels and your cholesterol levels.

You’ll struggle with your health when you put the wrong fuel in it. Instead, focus on small ways you can improve your nutritional habits. Instead of consuming a bowl of ice cream for dessert, replace it with a smoothie bowl or a bowl of nice cream instead.

Reach for fruit-infused water as your beverage in place of another soda. As you make better choices on a gradual basis, you’ll feel the difference in the ways you’re able to move better and think clearly.

3. Utilize Professional Services

As you get older and earn more, develop a team of professionals you can call on for different services. One of the best ways to improve your mental health is by seeing a therapist on a regular basis.

If you need some more direction as you transition through various phases of life, a life coach can be an excellent guide.

Another way you can increase your confidence is through improving the way you feel about yourself. If you look in the mirror and tend to be unhappy with the way gravity continues to impact your looks, a short scar facelift can provide the boost you’re longing for.

You will feel more attractive and exude more confidence. If your teeth look a little stained from the years of coffee drinking, professional whitening services from a dental professional can help. Don’t be afraid to create your own wellness team of professionals who can help you morph into the best version of yourself.

4. Encourage Yourself

You won’t always feel like yourself. There will be days when you don’t feel like doing anything. This is when discipline needs to kick in so you can move forward.

However, in addition to discipline, know how to encourage yourself. Develop a list of affirmations that you repeat to yourself on a daily basis. Speak positivity over your life each day.

Read motivational books that inspire you to push through hurdles and challenges. As you learn what it takes to encourage yourself, it’ll become much easier to believe in yourself. When you believe in yourself, your confidence moves in tandem with that belief.

5. Monitor Your Surroundings

While it’s nice to put yourself in spaces where you can meet a wide variety of people, you don’t want to get caught up in the belief that it’s healthy to have everyone close.

You never know who is rooting for your failure. The people who are jealous of you won’t always be forthright with their feelings. In fact, they’ll find little ways to make seemingly harmless comments that chip away at your self-esteem.

Keep those people far away from you. Only maintain close relationships with people who build you up and want the best for you. Make sure you do the same for them in return.


Building confidence takes time. Surrender to the process of doing the work. Whether it’s committing to more time in the gym, developing a better wardrobe or incorporating more water into your day, show up for yourself.

When you show up for yourself, you subconsciously tell yourself that you matter just as much as anyone else. When you prioritize your needs and desires, your confidence will continue to grow as time goes on.
