How to activate new PHCN BEDC prepaid meter

Here’s your guide on how to setup your PHCN BEDC Prepaid meter from any of the PHCN companies e.g Ikeja or Eko electric.

All steps below should/may only work when there’s power in your area and the prepaid meter is blinking green and red light.

Connect the BEDC box to the Meter outside

Depending on your meter type, if your prepaid meter is just installed, you are required the use the 100 units that came with your new meter for a period of at least 2 weeks, during which you cannot recharge your meter. Towards the end of this 2 weeks period, you should get your activate number through text to your registered number. If after 2 weeks you have not received your activate code, you should visit the nearest PHCN office, but preferably visit the office who came to install your meter, or call the customer care.

Normally, your activation code will arrive in that 2 weeks. If you finish your follow come 100 units however before 2 weeks, you cannot recharge and will not have power till you receive your activation code.


The first step to setting things up before trying any of the short codes is to connect the box to the one outside.

Enter your meter no and hit enter. You should see the words “Connect” on the screen and then “Success” after a few seconds. If this step fails, make sure you’re close enough to the box outside and also that there’s power(light) in your area. I noticed that if there’s no light, you can’t connect to the box.

This step registers your BEDC box to the device outside.

Top up / Buy power tokens

For example, rather than getting around 118 units for N6k, you’ll end up with 18units. When you recharge subsequently, you’ll then get the full value of your recharge.

Load token.

That’s how you setup a brand new BEDC box from PHCN.

If you are still having issues, visit the nearest PHCN customer center.

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