How Does Mindfulness Eases Anxiety & Depression?

We are all prone to anxious or depressive thoughts from time to time. These negative emotions are natural and something that almost everyone experiences at some point. But we must find ways to deal with them, so they do not interfere with our lives. Mindfulness is one way to do just that!

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully aware of the present moment. You can practice it by focusing your attention on your senses and tuning in to your thoughts, emotions, and external environment. This will make you more aware of thoughts and actions that you usually overlook daily.

Let us look at how mindfulness relieves anxiety and depression – and why it’s so beneficial for anyone with these mental illnesses.

It Helps You Discover Triggers

Anxiety and depression victims often find that various situations trigger them. This can make everyday life difficult because you are afraid of being triggered and experiencing a panic attack or depressive episode. 

Mindfulness can help you identify what triggers your negative thoughts and emotions. Practicing mindfulness makes you more aware of your thoughts or situations that trigger negative thoughts. In this way, mindfulness helps you avoid them or allow you more control over these situations.

Moreover, the growing academic competition means that students are equally stressed and anxious as parents. Studies show that practicing mindfulness can positively impact a student’s academic performance and social skills. For these reasons, many educational institutions are now incorporating social and emotional learning activities for elementary students’ stress and lengthen their attention spans.

Change Your Thought Process

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Negative thought patterns are common among people suffering from anxiety and depression. These thoughts can quickly spiral out of control and lead to negative emotions. Mindfulness makes you more aware of these thoughts and feelings. Then you can challenge these thoughts and train your brain to think more positively. This will help relieve your anxiety and depression symptoms. 

Negative thoughts often follow the same pattern. You may often think, “I cannot do this” or “This is too difficult.” When you recognize these thoughts, you can challenge them and train your brain to think more positively. 

Helps You Cope With Difficult Emotions

It’s normal to feel stressed, anxious, or sad from time to time. However, if you deal with these emotions more often, it can lead to anxiety or depression. Mindfulness helps you navigate these difficult emotions by allowing you to become fully aware of them. As a result, you can better identify what kind of feeling you are experiencing and why you are experiencing it. 

It also allows you to respond to these emotions healthier rather than letting them control you. When you understand your feelings, it’s easier to recognize when they become unhealthy and find ways to deal with them. For example, if you are feeling sad, it’s a sign that you need some time off to recharge your batteries. Instead of dwelling on the sadness, you can take time out to relax and recharge your batteries.

Teaches You to Be More Accepting

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Practicing mindfulness helps you become more accepting of your experiences. When you dwell on negative thoughts, you often try to change them, suppress them, or avoid them. In this way, you only create more stress and anxiety. 

Through mindfulness, you learn to accept them as they are. When you accept your thoughts, they become less powerful and easier to manage. This is because you no longer give your thoughts so much attention and power, helping you develop a happier and more positive outlook on life.

It Helps You Develop a Sense of Compassion for Yourself

When you feel bad, it may seem like you are the only person who feels that way. You may be tempted to think you are weak for feeling this way and to be hard on yourself because you can not “pull yourself together.” The truth is, however, that you can not choose your depression or control it. 

If you practice mindfulness, you can develop a sense of compassion for yourself. You will realize that feeling sad, stressed, or worried is okay. Instead of being hard on yourself, you will better understand your emotions and know they are entirely normal. You will be more compassionate towards yourself, more patient, and better able to deal with your feelings and thoughts.

Mindfulness Calms the Nervous System

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When stressed, the hormone cortisol is produced. This hormone increases blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar, and breathing. 

However, mindfulness makes you more aware of the present and your surroundings. This decreases blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar levels. It also helps regulate your breathing patterns, leading to a calmer mind. As a result, you can better relax, relieve stress, and focus on the present moment. 

Mindfulness also has a positive effect on your nervous system. It helps calm the part of the nervous system that responds to stress. This, in turn, promotes better health. The calm part of the nervous system is responsible for cell repair, digestion, and the immune system. Activating this part of the nervous system helps you relax and recover faster from illnesses. 


It’s easy to get overwhelmed by negative thoughts and emotions when struggling with anxiety or depression. But, never forget that they are just thoughts and feelings.

Mindfulness alleviates anxiety and depression by helping you become more aware of these thoughts and emotions. When you are mindful, you can better challenge your beliefs and replace them with positive ones. This helps you cope with your mental illness and live a more positive and enriched life.

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