How does a true leader behave on business trips?

Henry Ford said, “Who should be the boss?”.”Who should be a tenor in a quartet?” is a similar question. An answer is a person who can sing in a tenor voice. According to this logic, a boss, a genuine leader, is not afraid of responsibility and is ready to answer for the people who trust him.

The word “leader” means someone who can guide people. This person is like a beacon, indicating where people who trust him move. The leader is faced with a tricky task. He must make sound decisions, lead the entire team of members, and achieve short- and long-term goals. Consider the three main qualities that distinguish a true leader from an ordinary leader.

Organization skills

Business travel is an essential part of the development of any business. Modern companies hold many meetings and events every year, and employees make hundreds of flights. Organizing business trips requires thoughtful planning and solving a whole range of tasks:  book tickets, rent a 7-passenger vehicle for the entire team, reserve hotel rooms, organize meetings, and schedule falls on the leader’s shoulders.

Things go wrong. For example, it is impossible to drive your car on long-distance business trips. The constant use of a taxi will hit the budget. The best option is to rent a car for the whole group. For a large team, van rental is more suitable.

Problem-solving skills

It is one of the essential skills. Colleagues will come with problems that need to be solved. The natural leader must be ready to give advice or help, no matter the question. The leader is the leading participant in a complex process. He is at the center of events. He must “feel the situation” and be able to navigate it so that his decision is exceptionally correct.

For example, the team should attend important meetings in different parts of the city per day. Traveling by public transport is long and not presentable. In such cases, the leader can rent a car so that the whole group can comfortably move around the city. If the team is small, a regular vehicle is suitable. A seven-seater minibus or van rental will solve the problem for a large one.

Ability to bring people together

A strong personality attracts people with his thoughts or ideas, ideals, and the power of his ability to convince. This is how a group of like-minded people gathers, forming a cohesive team. On business trips, the composition of the team is fundamental. A true leader must choose from the entire squad those who can help achieve the goals of the whole organization. Competently and adequately distributing responsibilities among team members is an essential quality.

Not every person is given to be a leader. People believe that being ahead of everyone is very prestigious. But in fact, they are poorly aware of how difficult it is and that not every person can cope with such a task.

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