Here Are 5 Stable Jobs That Pay Surprisingly Well in the United States

People in any historical period want to have a stable competitive salary, flexible working hours, and the work should bring unique benefits to society. And the issue of career education is sensitive even for children.

In any field, even the seemingly most unpopular, there will be a place where an employer will appreciate you. Your experience and knowledge will find their expression in a decent salary.

Any person who does not seem to have any talents will be able to find a high-paying job. But it is necessary only to look through vacancies.

Such work can be:

1. Personal trainer

Earnings depend on the gym’s equipment where you will work or your price level if you plan to be an individual entrepreneur.

The level of your professionalism is also of great importance. It is not enough to know the basics of fitness. Many people want to see a psychologist inside the coach. Communication with the client often goes beyond professional.

Of course, your services will not be in demand if your body does not have a good shape. Therefore, first of all, you need to love the sport, and then your work.

Note that this profession is probably one of the most accessible. It is not necessary to have higher education. A certificate issued by non-governmental organizations would be enough.

The certificate allows you to obtain appropriate insurance.

The annual minimum wage is $23,000 and can be close to $100,000 per year.


2. Tour guide

Exciting work for creative and active people. If you know your city or country and are willing to share this knowledge with people – this is a job for you.

What qualities should be possessed:

  • communicativeness. The number and quality of people you will have to work with will vary. The ability to connect with them will be your most significant advantage. You will have to answer questions. Many. Often. You must love to talk.
  • oratory. Clear speech and a good voice will only be a plus. People need to hear you, especially working with a big group.
  • goodwill and politeness. Any customer is initially very demanding. The ability to smooth the situation and satisfy the client’s needs will help you get a good review and improve your rating compared to the rest of the guides.

Salary may depend on the number of tours sold and can reach $ 60,000. It all depends on your efforts.

3. Trade representative

Any industry can offer such a vacancy. Your success depends on your ability to trade and bargain. What high-income skills should a sales representative possess? We believe that they mainly belong to the following:

  • attention to the details;
  • willingness to learn;
  • communication skills;
  • patience;
  • perseverance.

All you have to do is convince the buyer to buy the goods from the company you work for. You must accompany the process from the client’s choice of goods to closing the transaction. Such work often has a flexible schedule. So you can work even on weekends.

The salary you can expect is $40,000 a year. And again, only your diligence and level of perseverance will determine what you achieve.

4. City guide writer

The profession is very connected with creative writing skills. Many magazines in the United States pay freelancers to create city guides around their home cities. It can be a description of the author’s favorite places, cafes, restaurants, parks, and areas of rest. There can also be suggestions about pastimes in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, what to visit. Descriptions should be creative and engaging. They should cause the reader to want to take advantage of the tips that you have provided. These places should provoke interest.

The text should also meet the requirements of different categories of readers, from historians to gourmets.

As you can imagine, this kind of work is ideally suited to travel. It will allow you to open up new places, expand your horizons, and maintain your professional level. It’s an excellent job for a newbie freelancer.

How much can you earn? 

Depending on the quality of the work done, you can make from 10 to 1000 dollars for just one article!

5. Game programmer

Video and computer games in the modern world are of particular importance. They allow you to relieve stress, relax, and have fun. We expect that the market share of gaming platforms will enormously grow in the following years.

What could be better for a real gambler than associating his work with his favorite hobby?

However, you must have the appropriate programming skills to do such a job. That, however, is not given to everyone. You must be aware and responsible for creating the video game code.

You should note that you will need a good computer for such work.

The average salary in the US is about $80,000. But that doesn’t mean you can’t work freelance and make money based entirely on your business skills. Given the various bonuses, bonuses, and tips, your income may rise to $100,000 per year.


As you can see, some of these professions correspond to the remote business model. It implies that employees work from home or any other place. Such work may also be based on freelance. This work has many advantages, but there are weaknesses too.

First, it isn’t easy to form a sense of belonging. The employee is removed from the office, colleagues, and superiors. Communication is based on modern ways of communication. However, it cannot bring a person to work psychologically.

Secondly, there are always the possibilities of fraud. A dishonest employer may fail to pay wages and miscalculate working hours. He can even create illegal documents such as fake pay stubs to hide his violations.

Suppose you haven’t received your payment or you have doubts about the completeness of charges or the legality of the deductions. In that case, it is worth checking your employer.

Fake pay stubs can be distinguished from the real ones by the presence of spelling or mathematical errors, the dissimilarity shown with the bank card statement, the use of round numbers, or the lack of necessary props.

Take care of remote work and choose a profession where you can check your employer or customer.

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