Heartbroken Swan Searches for Lost Mate, Charlie’s Wandering in Devizes Raises Concerns

In a poignant tale from Devizes, Wiltshire, a swan named Charlie has been found injured and wandering through alleyways and gardens, mourning the loss of his mate who tragically died in a recent accident.

The pair, described as ‘restless,’ left the water, possibly in search of a nesting site, leading to the female swan’s fatal crash on Southbroom Road.

Heartbreaking Mourning: Charlie’s Search for Lost Mate

Charlie, residing on The Crammer pond in the town center, had been visibly distressed since the incident, calling out and wandering through risky areas, putting himself in danger.

Locals, including 74-year-old Sally Noseda, had been looking after him, helping him navigate safely.

Injury and Distress: Charlie’s Unfortunate Fate

Sally Noseda shared the unfortunate turn of events, revealing that Charlie was found injured with a hurt wing and foot.

The incident prompted the intervention of Wiltshire Wildlife Hospital, which came to collect the distraught swan.

Rescue and Future Plans: Charlie’s Journey to Berkshire

Following the injury, plans are in motion to relocate Charlie to Berkshire for his safety and well-being.

Wendy Hermon from Swan Support emphasized that Charlie would undergo isolation due to bird flu regulations before receiving top-notch care and, eventually, being released among other swans with hopes of finding a new mate.

Sally’s Ritual in Telford: A Swan’s Grief at The Telford Park School

Meanwhile, in Telford, another swan named Sally has been captivating hearts at The Telford Park School for over a year.

Sally’s daily visits involve staring at her reflection in the windows, seemingly in mourning for her deceased mate, Harry. The school staff and children have embraced her presence, acknowledging her ritual of seeking comfort.

Sally’s Grief: A Swan’s Unique Expression

Sally’s repetitive visits, crossing a busy road, are interpreted as her way of being close to her lost mate by gazing at a shape resembling him in the window’s reflection.

The school community is respectful and understanding of Sally’s apparent grief, recognizing the challenging period widowed swans go through.

Hope Amidst Grief: Future Plans for Charlie and Sally

While both Charlie and Sally carry the weight of grief in their own ways, there is hope for their futures.

Plans to relocate Charlie to Berkshire, and Sally’s daily ritual providing solace, showcase the resilience and compassion shared by communities in understanding and caring for these majestic creatures.

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