Innocent Skittles Snack Turns into Cannabis Ordeal for North Carolina Family as Six-Year-Old Consumes 13 Times the Adult Dose

Child’s Near Miss with Cannabis Edible: A Parental Oversight Turns Innocent Snacking into a Health Crisis

In a harrowing incident in North Carolina, a six-year-old boy narrowly escaped serious harm after mistakenly ingesting a cannabis edible that his parents had wrongly identified as freeze-dried Skittles.

Catherine Buttereit, 45, unknowingly purchased THC-laced candy, sparking a series of events that led to the child’s hospitalization.

Unaware Consumption of THC-Laced Candy

During a lunch outing in Charlotte, Buttereit’s son, enticed by what he believed were freeze-dried Skittles, indulged in the colorful treats.

Unbeknownst to the family, the candy was infused with Delta 9, a legal form of THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis known for inducing a ‘high.’

The unsuspecting family, including other children, joined in sampling the candy.

Health Crisis Unfolds: Recognizing the Error

As the boy consumed nearly 40 pieces of the THC-laced candy, alarming symptoms began to manifest. Describing his discomfort, Buttereit recalled her son complaining of a wobbly mind and exhibiting an unusual smirk.

It was only upon closer inspection of the candy’s label that they realized the THC content.

Terrifying Moments in the Emergency Room

Realizing the severity of the situation, Buttereit rushed her son to the hospital, where he spent six hours in excruciating pain, having ingested a dose 13 times higher than the standard adult dosage.

The child eventually fell into a 17-hour sleep, waking up free from symptoms.

Product Identification and Age Restrictions

Buttereit expressed concern over the product’s labeling, highlighting that while there was a suggested age of 21+, the warning was small, and stores in North Carolina were not mandated to enforce age restrictions on such products.

She emphasized the need for caution among parents and urged for increased awareness.

Retailer’s Response: Improved Signage and Safety Measures

The Common Market restaurant, where Buttereit purchased the candy, has since improved signage around such products as a precaution.

The establishment acknowledged that the usual policy involves keeping these products behind the counter or in a case.

Growing Concerns and Warnings

This incident adds to growing concerns about unintentional cannabis exposures in young children, with data showing an increase in cases.

Researchers emphasize the need for heightened vigilance among parents, as these exposures can lead to significant toxicity and hospitalizations.

Health Risks and Irreversible Consequences

Dr. Beth Ebel of the University of Washington highlighted the risks of high-potency cannabis products, linking them to irreversible health consequences such as schizophrenia and psychotic breaks.

As recreational cannabis use becomes legal in more states, the risks associated with accidental exposures to children are escalating.
