Greenpeace Africa Calls on Governments to Endorse a Legally Binding Treaty

For the first time in history, consideration of a global plastics treaty to tackle the plastic crisis is one of the top priorities in the upcoming talks set to begin in Nairobi this week. Greenpeace Africa ( calls on all UN Member States to support the most comprehensive draft resolution and to adopt further measures to ensure a clean and healthy environment for all. 
UNEA 5.2 ), referred to as the world’s parliament on the environment, takes place between 28 Feb and 2 March in Nairobi and presents an opportunity for world governments to green-light the way for a legally binding treaty that includes the whole plastics lifecycle from production to disposal.
“Multinational corporations and rich countries have done their share to infest Africa’s ecosystems with unfathomable amounts of single-use plastic and waste. Greenpeace Africa is calling on policy makers, corporations, African governments – and governments around the world to endorse a legally binding global treaty to curb plastic pollution otherwise our children will grow up in a world that is more polluted and toxic than we did,” said Erastus Ooko, Plastic Project Engagement Lead for Greenpeace Africa. 
Plastic waste is clogging waterways, leading to floods and destruction. A recent UN report ) revealed how plastic pollution has disproportionate impacts on minority groups and marginalised communities and countries. African countries must show their true leadership and commitment to end the plastic crisis by supporting a legally binding global treaty. 
“African governments must resist the corporate capture by plastics proponents and take bold actions towards negotiating for a global plastics treaty that encompasses the full life cycle of plastic from production to disposal. This will be a right step towards curbing the recent surge of illegal dumping of plastic waste in the Global South ) in what has come to be popularly known as  waste colonialism ).
“Plastic pollution is a deadly ticking time bomb; a solution that matches the scale of the problem is not only critical but non-negotiable. Cooperation across Africa is needed in forging a strong fight for a robust and inclusive global treaty. More than ever before, African governments must stand strong and amplify current efforts towards a plastic-free Africa in a more coordinated and ambitious approach,” continued Ooko.
Corporations and big brands need to join hands and support a mandate for a legally binding Global Plastics Treaty addressing the full lifecycle of plastics. Governments in Africa and around the world need to implement national policies that push big brands to phase out single-use plastic and support a global plastics Treaty. 
Greenpeace Africa is demanding the following from Africa’s Governments and Policy makers:
Support and endorse a legally binding global instrument on plastic pollution covering the entire life cycle of plastics, including extraction, production, transport, use and disposal.
Implement similar bans on the manufacturing and use of single-use plastic to ensure effective implementation of legislations across the continent. 
Implement national policies that push big brands and corporations to phase out single-use plastics.
Support frontline workers and communities being impacted by plastic pollution at every stage of its lifecycle, ensuring a just transition to a green future for these communities.
Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Greenpeace.Media Contact:
Greenpeace Africa Press 
Hellen Dena
Communications and Story
+254 717 104 144
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