Grandmother Amy Hardison Triumphs Over Millionaire Biohacker Bryan Johnson in Rejuvenation Olympics with Simple Anti-Aging Routine

Grandmother Amy Hardison Triumphs Over Millionaire Biohacker Bryan Johnson in Rejuvenation Olympics with Simple Anti-Aging Routine

Amy Hardison, a 64-year-old grandmother of 11, has surprised everyone by outshining millionaire biohacker Bryan Johnson in the anti-aging ‘Rejuvenation Olympics’.

Here’s how she did it.

A Simple Approach to Defying Age

In the midst of the Rejuvenation Olympics leaderboard, Amy stands proudly in fifth place, showcasing how her straightforward routine has slowed down aging significantly.

Defying the Odds with Simple Solutions

Amy’s method has tackled major aging indicators like cellular senescence and mitochondrial dysfunction, all without the extravagance of costly treatments.

The Secret to Her Youthful Glow: A Simple Regimen


Amy invests $300 monthly in NOVOS supplements—Core, Boost, and Vital—containing essentials like magnesium and L-theanine, noting immediate benefits despite being a supplement novice.


Her daily menu includes homemade wholemeal toast and chocolate milk for breakfast, followed by nutrient-rich salads and a protein source for lunch or dinner.

She indulges in a daily treat of a homemade cookie or chocolate, emphasizing enjoyment and mindful eating.


Mixing low-intensity workouts with energetic bursts, Amy spends quality time on the elliptical, often opting for pool workouts when weather permits.

She pairs exercise with audiobooks, making fitness an enjoyable part of her routine.

The Mindset that Makes a Difference

For Amy, aging gracefully isn’t about prolonging life excessively but enjoying each phase fully.

She believes in nurturing habits that foster both health and happiness, emphasizing the importance of finding joy in staying active.

Embracing Every Age

Amy’s philosophy on aging is clear: she embraces her current age as the best ever, demonstrating that a balanced lifestyle and a positive outlook can be the ultimate anti-aging strategy.

TDPel Media

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