Dr. Ayesha Verrall, Associate Minister of Health, launched ‘Smokefree May’ today at Manurewa Marae. This new ad, which was created in collaboration with Hpai Te Hauora, promotes the Government’s goal of making New Zealand smoke-free by 2025.
Auahi Kore Aotearoa Mahere Rautaki 2025, a new brand for the Smokefree 2025 Action Plan, was also revealed at the occasion.
“We have always celebrated World Smokefree Day on May 31st, but we recognize the need to celebrate our smokefree vision for more than a single day a year, therefore for the first time ever, we will focus on this topic for the entire month of May,” Dr Ayesha Verrall stated.
“Action Plan for a Smoke-Free Aotearoa by 2025” Last year, I announced a set of precise measures to help us achieve our objective of making New Zealand smoke-free in three years, saving thousands of lives. Our government has made this a priority, and throughout the month, a variety of activities will be held to encourage a smoke-free lifestyle. Budget 2021 set up over $13 million over four years for more smokefree health promotion and community mobilization. “Community activators are on board across the motu, supporting events taking place in their respective regions throughout the month of May.” The theme for this year’s Smokefree May is ‘We’re backing you,’ which emphasizes the collaborative effort required to help whanau quit smoking and stay smokefree.
The Smoke Free Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan ensures that help is available at all levels, including through legislation.
“The new tohu or brand represents the mana of the mahi we’re working on together to improve our communities’ health.” Ttou’s Kairahi, Graham Tipene, was responsible for the original artwork design.
“Smoking is remains the largest preventable cause of mortality in New Zealand, accounting for one out of every four malignancies.” In our Mori, Pacific, and low-income communities, smoking-related damage is very widespread. Dr. Ayesha Verrall stated, “Our Action Plan will support all New Zealanders in quitting smoking or never starting in the first place.”
Wellness and Fitness