Germany should launch Nord Stream 2 if Germany goes for it in exchange for Russia accepting for gas payments in euro again, says a member of the German Bundestag Committee on Foreign Policy, leader of the Alternative for Germany party Tino Krupalla.
“Our party believes that the Federal Republic of Germany should in any case adhere to the introduction of Nord Stream 2. Therefore, I consider the currency issue as independent of the project. If the euro trade argument helps convince the federal government to put the pipeline into operation, it might be a good idea,” the leader of the party told RIA Novosti.
Although he stressed that current political circumstances in Europe complicate the possible agreement.
“But I am afraid that now we are not talking about such details at all. There is a danger that the wedge in the European continent will be driven even deeper, and Eurasian trade relations will be permanently blocked by the sanctions regime. We must make it clear that we will not allow such a split of the continent “, added Krupallo.
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