Wizkid’s Son Zion’s Quirky Counting Stuns Internet, Boy Puzzles Fans By Skipping From 49 to 91

Endearing Video Goes Viral

A clip of Nigerian star Wizkid’s young son Zion attempting to count to one million garnered widespread attention for his unique numbering and earnest delivery. Social media seems enthralled by the boy’s charm.

Counting Hits Peculiar Snag

While steadily counting upwards, Zion unexpectedly transitions from 49 to 91, leaving viewers curious and tickled. The abrupt leap amid Zion’s otherwise standard tallying up to that point added quirkiness.

Reactions Pour Over Bemusing Sequence

Commenters expressed delight over the video, particularly Zion’s verbalizations and the unusual jump. Some users affectionately joked not to argue with Zion’s logic in skipping from the 40s to 90s within his counting effort.

Son Bears Resemblance to Famous Father

Many also drew comparisons in the boy’s looks and manner to his world-renowned musical father Wizkid. The heartwarming clip provided fans a glimpse of Zion’s innate charisma reminiscent of the afrobeats icon.

Support Overflows for Budding Internet Darling

In addition to good-natured ribbing over the abnormal numerical sequence, commenters flooded the post with blessings and encouragement for young Zion as he wins over admirers through his viral charm.

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