Friends: Celebrating David Schwimmer’s Birthday With a Look at the Show’s Biggest Blunders

Friends: The biggest blunders you’ve never noticed

Friends is a sitcom that is loved by fans all over the world. Even though the characters of Phoebe, Chandler, Monica, Joey, Rachel, and Ross were loved by their fans, there were some huge blunders that you could have missed.

Phoebe appears twice

In one episode of the show, fans spotted a bizarre scene where Phoebe appeared twice. In one scene, Phoebe is talking about how she has just “pulled out four eyelashes.”

However, one social media user pointed out that she was also in the background of Monica’s date with Paul. It has been suggested that could be Phoebe’s twin sister Ursula up to her old tricks again.

The show wasn’t made for wide-screen TV

In a scene that has been uploaded online, a Friends fan pointed out that there was a “literal pothole” in the filming.

She explained that the 90s show clearly was not made for a widescreen TV. The video showed a square hole cut out of the wall of the set, presumably used to help position equipment as the crew filmed the inside of the apartment.

It can be seen in the opening episode of Season 10, titled The One After Joey and Rachel Kiss.

Monica is replaced with a random woman

In one strange blunder, Monica literally transforms into a completely different actress and eagled-eyed fans have spotted it.

In the episode, Phoebe and Monica are sat sipping on a coffee and having a chat. However, the camera changes its angle and a woman who is very clearly not Monica is sat in her place wearing the same outfit. After a few seconds, the camera switches angles again and Monica is back.

The apartment number changes

Fans noticed on major blunder at the very beginning of the show. Fans may remember that they lived just above Central Perk coffee shop in apartment number 20.

However, in the first season of the show, the number on the door read number 5. It turns out that the producers decided to change the number because number 5 would mean that the apartment was on the first floor of the building and they liked to film characters walking up the stairs.

Will’s pie disappears

Fans probably remember the iconic Thanksgiving episode where Hollywood superstar Brad Pitt made a guest appearance.

In the show, his character Will Colbert brings Monica pie that is “non-dairy non-fat and no good.” Monica puts it on the table however it mysteriously disappears later in the episode. When the camera zooms out to reveal a group of pies on the kitchen table fans spotted that Will’s pie had disappeared.


These are just a few of the many blunders that have been spotted in Friends over the years. Even though these mistakes are small, they add to the charm of the show and remind us that it is not perfect. After all, what’s a sitcom without a few laughs?
