Fill Up or Slow Down? South African Drivers Face Rising Petrol Costs as Winter Looms – MasterDrive Shares Expert Advice on Maximizing Fuel Efficiency

South African drivers can expect continued volatility at the pump, with petrol prices likely to rise in April while diesel prices see a potential decrease.

This information comes from the Central Energy Fund’s mid-March data, indicating an under-recovery for petrol and an over-recovery for diesel.

These price fluctuations follow a significant increase in fuel costs in March.

As South Africa enters its colder months, fuel efficiency becomes even more critical.

Mastering Fuel Efficiency: Tips from MasterDrive

MasterDrive CEO Eugene Herbert offers practical advice for maximizing fuel economy:

Smooth and Steady Wins the Race:

Anticipate traffic flow to minimize braking and acceleration.

Reducing speed by 20 km/h can significantly improve fuel efficiency.

Planning is Key:

Utilize traffic apps and alerts to avoid congestion and plan efficient routes.

The Power of RPMs:

Keeping your engine RPMs around 3,000 can lead to a 20% reduction in fuel consumption.

Maintenance Matters:

Regularly servicing your vehicle keeps it running smoothly and efficiently.

Air Conditioning Hacks:

Minimize air conditioning usage whenever possible, as it can impact fuel economy.

Winter’s Chill and Fuel Efficiency

South Africa’s colder months bring additional factors to consider:

Tire Pressure Matters:

As temperatures drop, tire pressure decreases, impacting fuel efficiency and potentially becoming a safety hazard.

Check your tire pressure regularly, especially during colder mornings.

Park Smart:

If you have a garage, utilize it! Parking indoors helps maintain engine fluid temperature, reducing energy consumption during startup.

Ditch the Warm-Up:

Modern vehicles generally don’t require extended idling for warm-up.

If you have an older model, drive slowly for a short period instead.

Year-Round Efficiency Tips:

Regardless of the season, remember these fuel-saving practices: remove unnecessary weight from your car, maintain your vehicle, drive efficiently, and eliminate aerodynamic drag.

Be Prepared:

Consider replacing your air filter, particularly in older vehicles, as a clogged filter can negatively impact fuel efficiency.

By following these tips and staying informed about fuel price fluctuations, South African drivers can navigate the coming months with more control over their fuel consumption costs.
