Federal University Dutsin-Ma FUDMA Post UTME Screening Result for 2021/2022 Academic Session

The results of the Federal University, Dutsin-Ma (FUDMA) post-UTME screening exercise for the years 2021/2022 have been distributed to all applicants who participated.
The FUDMA post-UTME examination results are now available online.
How to Check Your FUDMA Post-UTME Score

  1. Go to FUDMA post UTME portal at http://portal.fudutsinma.edu.ng/admissions.
  2. Supply your JAMB Registration Number in the required column.
  3. Select ‘POST UTME REGISTRATION‘ in the What would you like to do? section.
  4. Finally, click on the Continue button to access your FUDMA post UTME score.

If you encounter any issue please send your complaints to complaints@fudutsinma.edu.ng.
