Armoured Mobility Ordered to Remove Controversial Billboard in Johannesburg

Controversy Over Johannesburg Billboard

A South African company, Armoured Mobility, known for its specialization in manufacturing, selling, and renting armoured vehicles, has been instructed to remove a contentious billboard in Johannesburg.

The billboard featured the text: ‘FEAR FKL’ and became the subject of a complaint to the Advertising Regulatory Board.

Ruling to Remove the Billboard

Following the complaint, the Advertising Regulatory Board ruled that the billboard should be taken down, as reported by CapeTalk.

The decision was based on concerns about the content and its visibility along the N3 Highways.

Company’s Intention and Defense

Armoured Mobility defended the billboard, claiming that its purpose was to draw attention to the vulnerability of South Africans while in their vehicles.

The company aimed to promote its services, which involve providing specialized equipment to enhance the safety of vehicle occupants.

Inappropriate Language for Minors

However, the Advertising Regulatory Board raised objections related to the location of the billboard.

They argued that it could be seen by children and considered the language used as unsuitable for minors.

Impact on Children

The board expressed concerns that the bold statement, although relevant to the intended message, might convey to children that the word “FOKOL” is acceptable and could be used as a synonym for “nothing” in everyday conversations.

Company’s Response

Armoured Mobility responded to the situation on Twitter, sharing video coverage of their marketing campaign.

They mentioned their brand ambassador, @RealKhosiTwala, and how the campaign had garnered attention among Johannesburg motorists.

World News