FCT Elections: Massive turnout in Karu/ Jikwoyi

Unlike the low turnout in Nyanya which is the closest town to Karu, voters turnout massively in Karu to exercise their franchise.

In all the polling units we visited, the number of voters were encouraging.

Although there were was mix-up in polling unit 003 in Karu area, where a wrong voting materials were brought to them, the presiding officers were able to rectify it after two hours behind schedule.

In the same poling unit, majority of the voters were women.

Some local observers however complained about hording information by the the presiding officers in that same units but being generous to their international counterparts.

Meanwhile majority of the voters in 003 polling unit are women who left their businesses and waited patiently to vote
In Karu ward, the aged and pregnant women were not left out as they turned out to cast their votes.

In polling unit 003 of Karu Registration Area, Baba Ahmed Mamayi patiently waits with his family despite the failure of the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System to scan some of his family members’ fingers.




Another pregnant woman who came early and was among the earliest to cast her vote in the same polling unit, said she won’t rest until she casts her vote.

In her words, she says “my vote must count.

FCT Elections: Massive turnout in Karu/ Jikwoyi

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