California Pastor Predicts Hamas Attack on Israel Foretold in Scripture

California Pastor’s Bold Claims

Greg Laurie, the head of California’s Harvest Christian Fellowship, delivered a sermon in which he suggested that the recent Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel were foretold by scripture.

This controversial claim has sparked discussions and debate.

Jerusalem as the Centerpiece of Prophecy

During his sermon, Laurie emphasized that scripture, thousands of years ago, predicted that End Time events would center around Jerusalem.

He quoted Zechariah 12:3, which states that Jerusalem will be an “immovable rock” and all nations will gather against it.

Laurie underlined the significance of this ancient prophecy.

Criticism of Joe Biden’s Actions

The pastor criticized President Joe Biden’s decision to unfreeze $6 billion in funds to Iran.

He expressed concerns that this move could be part of a prophecy about Russia and Iran attacking Israel, viewing it as a “super-sign” of the re-gathering of Israel as a nation.

Historical Perspective on Israel’s Formation

Laurie acknowledged the extraordinary nature of Israel’s formation as a nation, considering the Holocaust and the odds against it.

He highlighted the United States as the first nation to acknowledge Israel’s existence in 1948.

Exploring Ezekiel’s Prophecies

Laurie referred to Chapters 37 and 38 of the Book of Ezekiel, which some Bible scholars interpret as a description of Russia, using the name ‘Magog,’ invading Israel.

He connected this interpretation to the alliance between Russia (Magog) and Persia, believed to represent Iran, in attacking Israel.

Real-Time Fulfillment of Prophecy

The pastor concluded by noting that these events may or may not unfold as described in the Bible, but they are certainly “very interesting.”

He emphasized the notion that people are witnessing biblical prophecy being fulfilled in real-time.

International Response to Israel’s Situation

Amid the ongoing conflict, Israel conducted fierce airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, and President Biden addressed the situation, pledging support for Israel’s right to respond to attacks.

Security Measures and the Role of the U.S.

President Biden discussed additional security measures within the United States, particularly around centers of Jewish life, in response to potential threats.

The Department of Homeland Security and the FBI are actively collaborating with law enforcement and Jewish community partners to address any emerging domestic threats.

Diplomatic Engagement

Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s upcoming travel to Israel was announced, emphasizing the United States’ commitment to engaging with Israeli partners and addressing the ongoing crisis.

Conclusion: The Intersection of Prophecy and Current Events

Greg Laurie’s sermon has ignited discussions about the interpretation of scripture in relation to contemporary events, highlighting the complex interplay between religious prophecy and real-world conflicts.

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