Fast fading PROPHET OWUOR conducts a survey to see how many people follow him – Shocked by the outcome.

Thursday, 03 February 2022 – Prophet David Owuor’s church ministry is reportedly crumbling like the Biblical Tower of Babel.
The self-proclaimed mighty prophet of God, who once commanded a huge audience and rubbed shoulders with prominent leaders, has lost a sizeable following.
He recently conducted a survey to see how many people still follow him and the results shocked him.
He discovered that only 42,000 people, including children, follow his controversial religious doctrine.
Owuor has closed so many churches that he had set up across the country after bishops and congregants left his ministry.
He is also struggling financially and that’s why he doesn’t hold frequent mega crusades because of logistics.
He is so broke that he can’t afford to pay for live TV coverage like he used to do before.
The flamboyant prophet has in the past been accused of running a cult disguised as a church.
He was once taken to court by the family of a wealthy businesswoman after he brainwashed her and took control of her property, including lavish apartments in the leafy suburbs of Nairobi.

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