FANR underscores its mandate in nuclear non-proliferation

FANR underscores its mandate in nuclear non-proliferation
DUBAI, 18th February, 2022 – The Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR) has recently taken part in a workshop entitled “Targeted Financial Sanctions Summit 2022 – Countering Terrorist and Proliferation Financing”, which was held at Expo 2020 Dubai.

FANR’s Mohamed Al Katheeri, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Senior Engineer, delivered a presentation on nuclear nonproliferation and proliferation financing, in which he illustrated FANR’s mandate in regulating the nuclear sector in the United Arab Emirates.

The UAE is the first country globally in three decades to build four nuclear reactors and its nuclear energy programme is built around six commitments as stated in the UAE nuclear policy including operational transparency, highest standards of non-proliferation, highest standards of safety, security and sustainability.

The UAE’s nuclear law calls on FANR to regulate the nation’s nuclear sector for peaceful purposes, and as part of its efforts to implement that mandate, FANR issued Regulation 09 on the Export and Import Control of Nuclear Material, Nuclear Related Items and Nuclear Related Dual-Use Items.

It supported international nuclear non-proliferation efforts by acceding to and ratifying a number of international agreements such as the Additional Protocol to the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreements
Nuclear import/ export control is an essential part of nuclear non-proliferation and any nuclear programme.

As part of its commitment to achieve the highest standards of non-proliferation, the UAE is applying a strict export control regime to block and respond effectively to illicit trade of nuclear material or equipment.

To this end, the UAE has gone a long way in developing and implementing its regulatory infrastructure consistent with its international obligations and national policy objectives.

As FANR is mandated to regulate the UAE nuclear sector, FANR licenses companies to carry out regulated activities, conducts inspection of licensees and works in close cooperation with local and federal government agencies to ensure compliance with international law and national laws and regulations.

FANR has strong cooperation with national stakeholders as well as other countries and international organisations that support FANR in implementation its mission to regulate the nuclear industry.

Furthermore, FANR developed in 2018 the Nuclear Technology Portal (Nutech), first automated import and export control system for nuclear-related dual use items and it has been playing an important role in facilitating the businesses to import and export regulated items in the UAE.

In 2021, over 15,000 approvals were granted to various businesses in the country.

In addition, FANR developed FAWIRI TICK system to support national efforts to combat proliferation financing.

The workshop was organised by the Executive Office of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing and the Committee for Goods and Materials Subject to Import and Export Control.

It featured speakers from UAE Government, USA Government, United Nations and others.

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