A chaotic scene unfolded in a New Mexico courtroom when the family members of a murder victim charged at the man accused of killing their loved one.
The incident, which occurred during a Friday hearing at the Bernalillo County District Court, involved Carlos Lucero, 40, and Pete Ysasi, 51, who leaped over a barrier and attacked 21-year-old Alexander Segura Ortiz, the suspected murderer.
The Melee Begins
The confrontation began when Lucero rushed towards Ortiz as a police officer attempted to shield him.
In the heat of the moment, both Lucero and Ortiz, along with the officer, tumbled to the ground. Ysasi then joined in, further escalating the violence
. Other family members and law enforcement officers quickly intervened, but the situation only grew more intense.
One woman could be seen pulling at Ortiz’s father’s shirt as he tried to intervene.
Meanwhile, Ysasi wrestled with Ortiz’s father, and Lucero along with another man piled on top of them.
The chaotic scene continued to unfold as one of the women involved grabbed a folding chair and used it to strike Ortiz and a police officer.
The Conflict Intensifies
The brawl seemed to subside briefly when a police officer drew a weapon, but just as things appeared to calm down, Ortiz’s father kicked Ysasi in the face.
Lucero later told police that he had attacked Ortiz because “he killed my niece like a coward” and that his actions were “worth every moment.”
Charges and Arrests
Both Lucero and Ysasi were arrested in the courtroom and charged with battery on a peace officer and assault on a jail.
Despite the serious nature of the incident, they were released on their own recognizance, meaning they didn’t have to pay bail but are required to appear in court.
Following the altercation, photos showed Ysasi relatively unharmed, while Lucero suffered a swollen black eye and multiple scratches on his face.
Court System Under Strain
Katina Watson, CEO of the Second Judicial District Court, commented on the ongoing challenges faced by the court system.
“This is just one more incident that we continue to deal with, these are the types of things that we see regularly,” she said.
She also praised the officer involved for his efforts to maintain safety during the chaotic scene.
Background on the Murder Case
Ortiz is accused of the murder of his ex-girlfriend, Alianna Faran, who was shot and killed in January 2024 in her apartment.
Authorities say the two had an abusive relationship, and Ortiz allegedly murdered her in a fit of anger.
Just days after Faran’s death, Ortiz is also accused of killing Nicole Maldonado outside a supermarket.
Following his arrest, police. These discoveries are part of an ongoing investigation into Ortiz’s involvement in the murders.