Disturbing Concerns Arise as Sex Workers Target School Run Fathers in Leeds’ Failed Red Light District

Sex Workers Target Fathers on School Run Amidst Crisis

In Leeds’ failed first legal red light district, sex workers are reportedly targeting fathers on the school run, offering cut-price deals amidst a cost-of-living crisis.

Despite past policies and changes in the area, the situation has escalated, causing concern among residents.

A Tumultuous History: From Policy Changes to Current Crisis

The district of Holbeck initially saw a surge in prostitution demand after a local council policy in 2014 tolerated prostitution.

This led to an influx, mostly controlled by eastern European gangs with trafficked women. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many gangs and trafficked women left, leaving room for drug-addicted UK sex workers to reclaim the area, despite the abolition of the tolerance policy.

Shift in Prices and Targets: Morning Commuters on the Radar

The cost-of-living crisis has compelled sex workers to lower their prices drastically. Morning commuters, including fathers on the school run, have become targets, with sex available for as low as £30 before 9 am and £10 after midnight.

Reportedly, some sex workers specifically target wealthier clients during the morning commute to afford Christmas presents for their children.

Challenges and Impact: Community and Resident Reactions

Residents have expressed dismay at the situation, with sex workers often visible during daylight hours, causing discomfort among parents walking their children to school.

Concerns about drug addiction, visibility to children, and the aftermath of previous policies that increased prostitution in the area have been highlighted by residents and community groups.

A Shift in Dynamics and Challenges Ahead

The changes in the demographic of sex workers, the shift in drug usage, and the impact of changing policies have presented significant challenges for the community.

The cost-of-living crisis has further aggravated the situation, impacting both sex workers and their potential clients, leading to altered pricing strategies and heightened visibility of solicitation during peak commuting hours.

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