Eyelash Extension Dangers – Surge in Mite-Infested Lashes Sparks Health Concerns

Eyelash extensions have become immensely popular in recent years, yet there are notable risks associated with this beauty trend.

Fortunately, many of these issues can be avoided through proper care and maintenance, particularly in the realm of cleaning lash extensions.

However, a concerning number of individuals remain unaware of the essential steps required to ensure the health of their eyelashes, leading to a surge in cases where extensions harbor mites.

Unveiling the Impact of Blepharitis and Lash Mites:

A prevalent condition known as blepharitis, characterized by symptoms such as swollen eyelids, scabs, and the presence of tiny mites, has emerged as a consequence of improper lash extension care.

These mites, akin to head lice but significantly smaller, can proliferate when lash extensions are not adequately cleaned, leading to discomfort and irritation.

Expert Insights on Preventative Measures:

Dr. Jen Wademan, an optometrist based in California, underscores the importance of maintaining clean lids and lashes to mitigate the risk of mite infestation.

She emphasizes the need for caution, particularly among individuals with preexisting eye conditions, as lash extensions could exacerbate these issues.

Dr. Jen also stresses the significance of lash length in preventing dry eye symptoms, advocating for occasional breaks from extensions.

Guidelines for Proper Lash Extension Hygiene:

Quinn Do, a service and training manager at LLBA Professional in Canada, emphasizes the necessity of meticulous cleaning between lash appointments to prevent mite infestations.

Quinn highlights the role of sebum, bacteria, makeup residue, and dead skin in fostering mite growth, urging individuals to use micellar water or oil-free makeup remover for thorough makeup removal.

Practical Steps for Lash Maintenance:

Ashleigh Anderson, a lash artist based in Florida, advises clients to shampoo their lashes daily using foam lash shampoo and a long-bristled eyeshadow brush.

She stresses the importance of cleaning the lash line thoroughly to prevent buildup, utilizing a fan to dry lashes post-shampooing.

Ashleigh also highlights warning signs such as crustiness and inflammation that may indicate mite presence.

Alternative Solutions and Hygiene Practices:

For those wary of professional lash extensions, alternative options like Lashify offer DIY cluster extensions that can be easily removed and replaced for optimal hygiene.

Jill Medicis, director of education at Lashify, underscores the importance of frequent lash removal to minimize bacterial buildup.

She recommends products that undergo rigorous testing and advises against wearing lashes beyond their recommended duration.


Proper hygiene practices and regular cleansing are pivotal in maintaining lash health, whether opting for professional extensions or DIY alternatives like Lashify.

Individuals are encouraged to prioritize cleanliness and adhere to expert recommendations to safeguard their eye health and prolong the longevity of their lashes.

Health News