Emily Blunt Apologizes for Fat-Shaming Waitress in 12-Year-Old Clip, but Fans Are Not Having It

Emily Blunt has apologized for fat-shaming a waitress in a 12-year-old clip from The Jonathan Ross Show.

In the clip, Blunt recounted being recognized in the chain restaurant Chilis while filming the movie Looper.

She said the girl who was serving them was “enormous” and “probably got freebie meals at Chilis.”

Blunt said she was “appalled” when she rewatched the clip.

She said she has always considered herself someone who wouldn’t dream of upsetting anyone and she doesn’t recognize the person who made that comment.

Fans on Twitter expressed dismay at Blunt’s offensive comment.

One fan wrote: “Emily Blunt being blatantly fatphobic wasn’t on my 2023 bingo card but here we are.”

Another tweeted: “Ugh f**k Emily Blunt seriously was one of my fave actresses but turns out she’s a fatphobic unfunny mean girl who thinks it’s funny to point out the size of a server when it adds nothing to the story – for shame.”

As the clip continued, it seemed the anecdote had nothing to do with the waitress’ size.

Blunt recounted how the waitress recognized her and asked if she was filming for her movie Looper.

When Blunt confirmed that she was, the waitress exclaimed: “Looper? Y’all just made that up.”

Fans on Twitter asked why Blunt even mentioned the waitress’ size, saying it had nothing to do with the story.

One fan tweeted: “she didn’t need to add that and EVEN IFFFF it mattered to the story…say literally anything except enormous bruh.”

Another tweeted: “She has let herself down by using such remarks.

You can do better Emily!”

However, one fan defended Blunt, pointing out that the clip is over 10 years old.

They said: “This was old story.

This happened back in 2012 where she did this interview.

Y’all serious chill a bit.

Emily probably doesn’t remember that at all now and has grown so much since.

Stop digging old dirt.”

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