Airport Accident: Baggage Handler At Heathrow Airport Gets Pulled Along Conveyor Belt After Her Scalf Got Entangled

Passengers disembarking from the Loganair flight were unaware of the unfolding tragedy below as the handler, focused on her duties, got her scarf entangled in the conveyor belt.

Colleagues inside the aircraft remained oblivious to the distressing scene.

Onlookers from the side where baggage was being transported watched in horror as the handler was helplessly pulled along the machinery, resulting in critical injuries.

Immediate Response and Miracle Survival

The Loganair employee received prompt attention from paramedics at the scene and was swiftly transported to the hospital.

Menzies, responsible for handling and fuel services for various airlines, including Loganair, now faces scrutiny regarding safety measures.

A source described the incident as “the stuff of nightmares” and emphasized the miraculous aspect of the handler surviving such a harrowing ordeal.

Emergency Services and Investigation

The London Ambulance Service, responding to the incident, dispatched resources, including an ambulance crew, advanced paramedic, and members of the hazardous area response team.

The Health and Safety Executive is actively collaborating with the police to investigate the circumstances surrounding the incident.

The urgency of the situation is underscored by the fact that the handler’s critical condition necessitated transportation to a major trauma center.

Heathrow Airport and Safety Inquiries

Heathrow Airport, a bustling international hub, is likely to face inquiries regarding safety protocols and the circumstances leading to this traumatic event.

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