Parole Denied for Notorious Child Killer Colin Pitchfork

Controversial Parole Decision for Colin Pitchfork

In a shocking revelation, it has come to light that double child killer Colin Pitchfork, infamous for the rape and murder of 15-year-olds Lynda Mann and Dawn Ashworth in the 1980s, was recently denied parole once again.

MailOnline has uncovered details about his brief period of freedom that played a pivotal role in the parole board’s decision.

Pitchfork’s Brief Release and Recall

Colin Pitchfork, now 63, was released under ultra-strict licence conditions in June 2021 after serving a life sentence with a minimum term of 28 years.

However, he lasted only three months before being recalled to jail in September 2021. The recent parole board meetings in October and November scrutinized the evidence, leading to the rejection of his release.

Revealed Incidents During Brief Freedom

MailOnline reveals startling incidents that contributed to the denial of parole. Pitchfork was spotted approaching lone women, a direct violation of his licence terms, in the car park outside the parole office. Additionally, he attempted to cheat a polygraph test and spent considerable time “walking aimlessly” in forests and parkland areas, claiming to pick up litter.

Parole Board’s Decision and Concerns

The parole board based its decision on an absence of information regarding Pitchfork’s current attitudes towards sex.

The killer’s inconsistent explanations about the incidents during his brief release and protracted details raised concerns about his behavior. The board highlighted the need for clarity and reassurance for public safety.

Political Intervention and MP’s Response

Conservative MP Alberto Costa, representing South Leicestershire, where the heinous crimes occurred, played a pivotal role in preventing Pitchfork’s release. Alberto Costa expressed satisfaction with the parole board’s decision, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing the safety of women and girls over releasing a convicted murderer and rapist into the community.

Pitchfork’s Gruesome Crimes and Legal History

Colin Pitchfork committed the brutal murders of Lynda Mann in Narborough in 1983 and Dawn Ashworth in Enderby in 1986. His crimes involved deviant fantasies, a negative attitude towards women, and a history of sexual violence.

Pitchfork, the first man convicted using DNA evidence, was sentenced to life in 1988 and has been denied parole multiple times.

Parole Board’s Statement and Future Review

In its summary, the parole board expressed concerns about Pitchfork’s unresolved risk factors and an absence of current information about his attitude towards sex.

The decision includes a refusal to move Pitchfork to a lower security open prison. Pitchfork has 21 days to appeal the decision, and under current legislation, he will be eligible for a further review in due course.

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