Liberal Democrats Slam Conservatives for Leaving Police Forces Overstretched and Unable to Respond to Crimes

UK Police Response Times Vary Widely

Police response times in the UK vary widely, with victims in Birmingham West waiting the longest, at 13 hours. Victims in Aylesbury Vale and Reading also waited a long time for police to respond, at 11 hours and 10 hours and 13 minutes respectively.

Postcode Lottery of Police Response Times

The data shows a postcode lottery of which police forces have the longest response time. Victims in Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire, were left waiting nearly 11 hours and those in Reading were left waiting for ten hours and 13 minutes. Both these areas are covered by the same police force – Thames Valley Police.

Police Overstretched and Unable to Respond to Crimes

The Liberal Democrats have blamed the Conservatives for leaving police forces overstretched and unable to focus on crimes like burglaries and domestic abuse incidents.

Government Says Police Staffing Levels Restored

The government has said that police staffing levels have been restored to higher than they were in 2010, but Full Fact has said that almost 22,000 officers were cut between 2010 and 2018.


The long police response times in some areas of the UK are a serious concern. Victims of crime deserve to have the police respond to their calls quickly, regardless of where they live.

The government needs to do more to support police forces and ensure that they have the resources they need to respond to crimes effectively.

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