Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate Today 8th February 2022

What Is Today’s Official Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate?
According to data provided on the FMDQ Security Exchange, where forex is officially exchanged, the naira began at 415.42 per dollar on Tuesday, February 8, 2022, after closing at 416.50 for $1 on Monday, February 7, 2022. This equals a 0.04 percent change.
How much is exchange rate of Dollar to Naira in Black Market today?

February 8 dollar to naira black market exchange rate: $1 dollar to naira = ₦572
The local currency opened at N572.00 per $1 at the parallel market otherwise known as the black market, today, Tuesday, 8 February 2022, in Lagos Nigeria after it closed N571.00 per $1 on Monday, 7 February 2022.

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