“Do not touch the reins!” Guard for the King yells at a tourist who comes too close to his horse.

“Keep your hands off the reins!” Guard for the King yells at a tourist who comes too close to his horse.EXCLUSIVE: Guard for the king yells at a tourist who approaches his horse too closely.Apologetically, the man walks away and raises his hand.Author: John James 3 September 2023, 08:30 EDT

This week, a tourist in Central London got more than he bargained for when he got too close to a King’s Guards horse and was shot by a soldier.The video was taken on Horse Guard’s parade, Westminster, and shows a large crowd of onlookers swarming around a mounted guard.Many camera-shy sightseers approach the mounted couple, keeping their distance while smiling for the camera.

The mounted guard gladly enables some courageous folks to place hesitant hands on the big horse’s sides.One visitor, however, went too far and messed with the reins in an attempt to touch the horse, prompting the King’s Guard to shout:

You must not touch the reins. The crowd looks shocked and the tourist backs away from the horse while lifting his hand in apology.The King’s Guards perform ceremonial and public responsibilities at Horse Guards on Whitehall, as well as outside Buckingham and St. James’s Palaces.

They are part of the British Army’s Household Division and their duty is to patrol the palaces at night in order to protect the Sovereign.There’s a notice next to the guard that says people shouldn’t touch the reins because the horses might kick or bite.

The guards take their jobs very seriously and will respond harshly if the regulations are broken, yet there are times when their human aspects shine through.A member of the King’s LifeGuard showed his kinder side to a young guy earlier this month.The King’s Guards UK uploaded a video of the event on YouTube, where it has received over 44,000 views so far.In the touching scene, the man approaches the horse to pet it, but the soldier moves in closer so he can take a picture.

The man, upon realizing what was happening, was overcome with joy at the prospect of seeing the horse up close. ‘What a kind and priceless moment by King’s Guard towards a particular teen!,’ said the caption for the video.The guard noticed the extraordinary man and walked the horse up to him; when the visitor was finished and ready to leave, he said, “Bye Bye” to the guard a second time.What a priceless event to behold.

‘But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows; in another clip, a King’s Guard crashes his horse into an emergency button. As the wayward animal shook its head and refused to keep still, the guard stationed outside Horse Guards, London, was seen pressing the button.

The sentry tried several times to rein in his horse as it shook from side to side before finally calling for backup.The clip included a restless horse that was constantly mouthing at its chin, as if it were being tickled.

It was also observed acting uncomfortably while wearing its bit, which is used to direct a horse’s mouth. After ten minutes of struggling with the beast, the guard finally pressed the alarm button with his left arm. However, footage showed another guard approaching the man and then walking away after hearing the distress call.

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