DEWA first organisation in world to receive 8 stars in EFQM’s Innovation Lens Award

DEWA first organisation in world to receive 8 stars in EFQM’s Innovation Lens Award

DUBAI, 8th February, 2022 – Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has achieved eight stars level in the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Innovation Lens with a score of 800.

This award measures innovation culture and its role in achieving results in leading organisations worldwide.

DEWA is the first organisation in the world to receive this recognition and outstanding result in innovation management.

This underlines DEWA’s global leadership in excellence and innovation.

“Innovation has become a necessity to help corporates become more resilient and ready for the future.

At DEWA, we work to achieve the vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, that innovation and ideas are the capital of the future; as well as the directives of His Highness to execute innovative initiatives that promote the happiness and wellbeing of the people, and continue investing in and nurturing our human capital to be one of our biggest priorities,” said Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD and CEO of DEWA.

“DEWA adopts innovation as a solid corporate culture to design and develop work mechanisms that keep pace with the requirements of the next 50 years to make the UAE one of the most innovative countries worldwide,” he added.

Waleed bin Salman, Executive Vice President of Business Development and Excellence at DEWA, said that EFQM’s Innovation Lens aims to improve innovation performance within organisations worldwide to respond to new trends or changing market conditions as improve the existing products, services and solutions.

He added that it focuses on three main axes: Direction, which covers vision & leadership and strategy & innovation culture; Execution, which covers engaging stakeholders, creating sustainable value, and processes & resources; and Results, which covers stakeholder impact and business & market impact.

Assessors at EFQM said that DEWA is an “innovation exemplar” and is recognised as such both inside and outside the sector with best in class behaviours at all levels of the organisation.

This outstanding level in Innovation Management level reflects clear innovation culture is in place supported by clear Strategy and integrated end-to-end processes and systems which impact the organisation and its value chain.

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