Debunking Myths about Tea! Must Read

You could have begun drinking tea because of the alleged health benefits it offers, as a less jittery substitute to coffee, or simply because you enjoy the flavour. Regardless of why you drink tea, there’s a good chance you have a few concerns about the beverage, including how to properly brew it and the characteristics of a truly delicious cup.

To our good fortune, the wide world of tea has been condensed into manageable chunks of information in a great number of sources that are currently available. Regrettably, many of these sources, which are frequently the very businesses who are selling you their tea, get several fundamental issues quite incorrect.

Sometimes, the terrible advice comes from a person who means well but, in their attempt to simplify a difficult subject so that it is easier to understand, they oversimplify it to the point where they distort the truth. Other people who call themselves experts are more rigid, claiming that there is only one correct technique to brew this tea and that if you disagree, you have no clue what you’re talking about.

When it comes to tea, a crop that is cultivated all over the world in an infinite number of varieties, the reality is that boldly stated principles tend to fall apart when brought up to closer scrutiny. If you want to take your tea drinking seriously, you need to learn something new with each cup you brew.

Tea is such a complicated beverage that there is almost never just one proper answer or method to do things.

Let’s put an end to such rules that contribute to confusion. The following are five persistent myths and misconceptions about tea that just won’t go away.

Myth No. 1: Green tea contains more caffeine than black tea

Coffee and tea have caffeine, but the amount in each tea varies widely, leading some corporations and experts to categorise the amount in each tea by general style: green tea has this amount of caffeine, while a cup of black tea has that much more. No one agrees on the exact caffeine content of black tea versus oolong or green or white tea, but the general consensus is that black tea has more caffeine than any of the other teas. There is a wide range in the amount of caffeine found in a cup of black tea.

Depending on the locale, two black teas from the same area may have vastly varied caffeine amounts. In addition, the amount of caffeine in a particular cup of tea might vary based on how it’s prepared.

Myth No. 2: Delicate teas can be “burned” by boiling water

The conventional wisdom in Western tea brewing is that black teas should be brewed with near-boiling water, while subtle, prissy green and white teas require cooler water, usually between 160°F and 175°F, lest you irrecoverably ruin their subtle flavours and convert their antioxidants into lethal neurotoxins.

The darker and more strong your tea will be, the cooler the water, the sweeter and milder it will taste. This is a good rule of thumb to follow while making tea. You may brew any tea with this in mind and alter your brew settings based on what tastes best to your palate.

Myth No. 3: Steep Black tea for longer than you do for greens

Those who claim that boiling water cannot be used to make green tea often offer time recommendations as well. They claim that greens and whites should brew for no more than a minute or two, whereas blacks should brew for at least five minutes. 

If you’re making a large amount of tea, you’ll need a longer steep time than if you’re brewing a small amount of tea. An eight-ounce cup of black tea steeps much faster than a 48-ounce pot of English breakfast loose leaf tea, which will likely require more time. What’s the most effective method you’ve discovered? Keep tasting. The process of brewing tea is akin to cooking, and following a clock is rarely a successful strategy.

Myth No. 4: Organic tea is of a higher quality

In recent decades, the demand for organic tea has surged because of these reasons to choose organic tea. Every plantation in Darjeeling, India, is now organic in order to keep up with demand from consumers in the premium tea-growing regions. Is it always healthier for the environment to drink tea that has been certified organic by the government? Nope. In the same way that organic certification is only a label, many huge plantations are raking in on the organic caché even while engaging in unsustainable practices.

When it comes to flavour, organic leaves aren’t worth the extra money. If you’re concerned about the health and environmental impact of your tea, there’s a lot more to evaluate than an organic label. Always buy from sellers you can trust who, in turn, purchase their products from farms they can trust.

Myth No. 5: Green tea is ‘more beneficial’ to your health than other teas

Green tea’s low caffeine level and strong antioxidant value are two of the most frequently cited benefits of consuming it. The first allegation, that some green teas have the same amount of caffeine as other types, has already been addressed. Green tea has more antioxidants than black or oolong tea because of its minimal oxidation. Antioxidants in tea aren’t completely understood, and there isn’t a lot of scientific agreement on the practical advantages of drinking green tea on a regular basis.

As a general rule of thumb, when headlines trumpet green tea as a miracle cure for anything from allergies to cancer, it’s best keeping an open mind. Green tea isn’t the only type of tea that can make you feel better. Green tea can cause stomach trouble in some people, while oolong, black, and aged teas like pu-erh don’t have this problem.


These misconceptions ought to dissipate on their own when the Western world has a deeper understanding of the nuances that lie concealed within the tea. However, for the time being, it is important to keep in mind that there is no rule book that can replace curious minds that are willing to experiment with the food they eat. Or the tea they drink. 

Author Bio:

Hello everyone, I am Ariana Mortenson, a professional writer and blogger. I write on various niches in a way that it’s understandable and appealing to the people. I aim to achieve a difference through my writing which allows you to make informed and valuable choices. Follow me back on Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest.

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