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When a dog bites you, one of the first things you do is contact the insurance company. You expect them to help you through this difficult time. Unfortunately, dealing with an insurance company is often worse than the dog bite itself. They are unhelpful, unyielding, and downright frustrating. This comprehensive guide will discuss why dealing with an insurance company is such a pain and how you can make it easier on yourself.
Why is Dealing with an Insurance Company Worse than the Dog Bite You Suffered?
- Insurance companies are business enterprises. Their primary motivation is to make money, not to help you. They do this by collecting premiums and then denying claims or delaying payments. This can be extremely frustrating, especially if you’re already dealing with the pain and expense of a dog bite.
- Insurance companies are large bureaucracies. Getting someone on the phone can be very difficult to help you with your claim. You may have to jump through hoops to get a simple question answered and deal with rude or unhelpful adjusters.
- Insurance companies often use unfair tactics to try to deny or lowball claims. For instance, they may try to blame the victim for the accident or claim that the injuries aren’t as bad as they seem. They may also try to drag the claims process to wear down the victim and get them to accept a lower settlement.
These elements can significantly increase the stress and frustration of working with an insurance company. It’s crucial to hire a dog bite lawyer if a dog has harmed you so they can explain your legal recourse and guide you in negotiating with the insurance provider for the deserved settlement.
Remember that you might be entitled to various forms of compensation following a dog bite when determining if a settlement offer you received from an insurance company is reasonable. You might receive compensation for:
Economic damages
These are the financial losses you suffer as a result of an injury. They include things like medical bills, lost wages, and loss of future earnings.
They may also include the cost of hiring someone to do the things you can no longer do or the value of the damaged or destroyed property.
Non-economic damages
These are the intangible losses that arise from an injury. They include physical and mental discomfort, loss of enjoyment of life, and loss of consortium (the ability to have a relationship with your spouse or partner.
These losses are more challenging to measure than economic damages, but they can frequently account for most of the suffering you endure.
Statutory penalties or punitive damages
These are awarded to the victim of negligence or abuse. It is intended to punish the at-fault party for their actions and deter them from engaging in similar behavior in the future.
They are typically only awarded in cases where the at-fault party’s conduct was particularly egregious or malicious. For example, if a dog owner knew their dog was aggressive and dangerous but failed to take steps to prevent it from biting someone, they may be ordered to pay punitive damages if the victim sues them.
In conclusion, insurance companies are a pain to deal with and are often more trouble than they’re worth. If you can, avoid working with them altogether. Hiring a lawyer may be the best course of action if you must deal with an insurance company.
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