CS Munyes resigns to seek Turkana Governor’s seat

John Munyes, the Secretary of the Cabinet for Petroleum and Mining, has resigned to run for governor of Turkana.
Munyes resigned before the deadline for public servants seeking elective positions to resign, which was set for Wednesday.
The CS indicated that he will run for governor of Turkana as part of the Azimio la Umoja campaign.
“The people of Turkana are waiting for me because, God willing, my next task is to run for governor of Turkana.” Turkana is beset by issues,” he explained.
Munyes claimed that he was inspired to enter politics in order to address the difficulties that Turkana locals confront, such as poverty, a lack of water, and resources.
“There is lack of water, poverty, illiteracy, insecurity. These are matters which have really fired me and I want to address the issues facing Turkana,” he stated.
Earlier, Devolution Cabinet Secretary Charles Keter also resigned to join the Kericho gubernatorial race in the August 9 General Election.
Keter who was the first cabinet member to quit said he is better placed to serve, citing his vast experience in government.
“I am resigning to focus on contesting for the seat of Kericho Governor. I have the vision and commitment to grow the economy of Kericho, and to transform Kericho to become a model of success,” said Keter.
Cabinet Secretaries are among government officials required under the Election Act to resign six months to an election if they wish to present themselves as candidates.
More resignations are expected especially after the Court of Appeal upheld provisions of the Elections Act requiring public officials holding appointive offices to resign six months to an election before seeking elective office.
The decision was rendered by Justices Daniel Musinga (President), Wanjiru Karanja and Agnes Murgor on Tuesday a day before the deadline set in the Elections Act.
The appeal arose from a decision rendered by the Employment and Labour Relations Court in March 2017 when Justice Njagi Marete declared Section 43(5) of the Elections Act “unconstitutional and without any legal basis or force ab initio.”
The Appeal Court also overturned Justice Marete’s decision that the Elections Act failed the public participation test saying the judge had no jurisdiction to determine the issue of public participation.
Under Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, “a public officer who intends to contest an election under this Act shall resign from public office at least six months before the date of election.”
Under Section 43(6), the Act however shields elected officials including the President, the Deputy President, Members of Parliament, County Governors, Deputy Governors, Members of County Assemblies from the provision

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