General Bheki Cele, the Minister of Police, announced this on Friday when he presented the SAPS’s fourth quarter crime figures for the fiscal year 2020/21, which covered the period from October 1 to December 31, 2021.
During the presentation, Cele stated that sexual offenses had decreased by 9.0 percent.
Despite this decrease, between October and December 2021, 11 315 persons were raped.
“This is a decrease of 903 rape cases, compared to the previous reporting period. All nine provinces recorded decreases in rape cases. Over 5 012 of the rape incidents took place at the home of the victim or the home of the rapist. 674 rapes were domestic violence related and 632 of rape cases in this category, involved female victims and 42 were males.”
Police Minister, Bheki Cele
Cele said the decrease in some of the sexual offences, especially rape cases can be attributed to all provinces increasing their Gender-Based Violence awareness campaigns.
“This includes contact meetings with SAPS and communities. The service has also ramped up its communication and sensitisation on GBVF crimes through print, television and radio mediums. The publication of convictions in all provinces has increased which serves as a deterrent to perpetrators.
“The implementation of the National Strategic Plan on GBVF by various Government stakeholders is gaining ground and there is increased synergy by all departments in prioritising this crime.”
Police Minister, Bheki Cele
During his presentation for the 2021/22 second quarter crime stats, Cele said police were in the process of establishing GBV desks in all police stations in the country to solemnly focus on GBV cases.
“To date, 134 such desks are in operation, and the goal is to have a GBV desk in all police stations countrywide.
The majority of our stations have victim-friendly facilities,” Cele said.
World News