Claim Your Abandoned NMFB Covid-19 TCF Loan

How To Easily Claim Your Abandoned NMFB Covid-19 TCF Loan

If you are one of the Nirsal Microfinance Bank N50 billion Covid-19 Targeted Credit Facility (TCF) loan applicants and your loan have been approved but you have not received a loan, this article is for you because we will help you. how can you qualify for a TCF loan. 

Before proceeding, if you do not know the approval status of your TCF Covid-19 loan, click HERE to check the loan status.

You may also want to read TCF NMFB Covid-19 borrowers happy showing loan results

The COVID-19 TCF loan was provided by the Central Bank of Nigeria as a stimulus package to support households and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) affected by the COVID-19 pandemic last year.

We have received numerous complaints from applicants whose loans have long been approved but have not yet received loans.

If you fall into this category, you may not have followed it when some people gave up after receiving the message below and thought it was fake, but the truth is that it is real.

If you are applying for a TCF Covid-19 NMFB loan and will receive the text above, simply visit the COVID-19 Targeted Credit Facility Beneficiary Information Management System (TCF) website and enter your BVN.

Once you’ve entered your BVN and need your account information, do so and wait for the alert.

However, often he will simply say that you have been approved to simply print the offer. Although you will sometimes be asked if you accept or decline a loan, click Accept to avoid problems.

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However, the TCF Covid-19 NMFB Loan Portal is still open to new applicants who wish to apply by visiting the official NMFB website .

Note: All Nirsal Microfinance Bank loans are available for free, ignore anyone who asks for money to help you speed up loan approval and avoid fraud.

Claim Your Abandoned NMFB Covid-19 TCF Loan Thank You
