Chilean Cardinal speaks on Killing of the innocent by abortion ,says it is not mercy


Cardinal Celestino Aós Braco warned that abortion “is not kindness,” as is the “mutilation” of moral and religious teaching, during his sermon at the Mass for the blessing of the foundation stone for the Divine Mercy Shrine in Santiago on Sunday.

“It’s not mercy to kill the innocent via abortion,” Cardinal Aós remarked on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 24. “It’s not mercy for the child who is destroyed, nor for the woman to whom they try to portray that action as a solution.”

“It is not compassion to mutilate human beings by failing to care for their development and moral and religious instruction; it is not mercy to move forward while neglecting the one who is left behind,” he continued.

“We are supposed to develop a culture of kindness,” the cardinal stated, referring to the works of mercy.

“Mercy has the aspect of consolation,” the Archbishop of Santiago explained.

“It is true that we face many difficulties, but the certainty that the Lord loves us must never waver; his Mercy is also represented in the closeness of friendship and support that many brothers extend to us when we face sadness and affliction.”

“We all need consolation since no one is immune to grief, pain, and misunderstanding,” says the cardinal, adding that “God is never far away when terrible tragedies occur.”

“A word of encouragement, a hug that makes you feel understood, a caress that makes you feel loved, a prayer that strengthens you.” As examples, Cardinal Aós stated, “These are all expressions of God’s proximity via the consolation supplied by a brother.”

Following the homily, the decree for the Divine Mercy Shrine’s construction was read and signed, the land and the faithful present were blessed, and the first stone was laid on the foundation where the altar would be built.

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