CEO of Auto Trader Advocates for a Balanced Approach to Green Policies Amid ULEZ Controversy

Despite facing protests, the ULEZ (Ultra Low Emission Zone) expansion is moving forward, as five London boroughs’ efforts to stop it have failed. However, the policy remains deeply unpopular, as seen in the surprising Uxbridge by-election result.


While the goal of improving air quality in London is commendable, the public’s discontent stems from the lack of a balanced approach and viable financial options for complying with the extended low emission zone.

The Unbalanced Approach

Politicians have not effectively taken the public’s concerns into account regarding the ULEZ expansion.

The current balance between incentives and penalties appears skewed, with the scrappage scheme for those affected by the expansion being inadequate and impractical for some.

A mere £2000 grant is insufficient when new electric cars can cost well over £30,000, and shifting to public transport is not a feasible option for many residents in the outer boroughs.


Learning from the Experience

Ignoring the dangers of climate change is not an option; London must still strive to become greener.

However, the city needs to adopt smarter and more market-driven policies to ensure a fair and successful transition.

The Cost of Going Green

Polling data indicates that the public is not against green initiatives, but many individuals are constrained by the realities of life and the rising cost of living.

The ULEZ expansion and the 2030 ban on the sale of internal combustion engines impose strict restrictions and expensive consequences on non-compliant individuals.

A Balanced Solution

Rather than softening the 2030 ban, which may not yield the desired results, the focus should be on implementing effective policies. While electric vehicle (EV) adoption is growing steadily, the high cost of EVs remains a significant barrier.


The majority of potential adopters are deterred by the “green premium” of EVs compared to traditional internal combustion engine vehicles.

Finding Incentives for Mass Adoption

The key to mass adoption lies in making EVs more affordable for the general public.

To achieve this, policymakers can introduce improved incentives such as reduced VAT on used electric vehicles and equalized VAT rates for public and private vehicle charging costs.

Low-cost finance options for EVs can also play a vital role in accelerating adoption rates.

A Balanced and Fair Transition

Building a greener and fairer society requires a balanced approach from political leaders. Instead of relying solely on punitive measures like ULEZ, a combination of incentives and penalties is necessary.


Abandoning green policies is not a viable solution, as it will only hinder progress towards a greener, fairer future.

To ensure success, both the carrot and the stick must be employed effectively.


The ULEZ expansion highlights the importance of striking a balance between green policies and public sentiment.

London must pursue a fair and smart transition to a greener future, encouraging EV adoption through well-designed incentives while avoiding punitive measures that may alienate the public.

By implementing appropriate policies, the city can make significant strides in improving air quality and sustainability.



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