Cardinal Grech Emphasizes Prayer and Listening in Preparation for Synod on Synodality

Synod’s Focus on Prayer and Listening Cardinal Grech emphasized that the synod is primarily an event centered on prayer and listening.

It encompasses not only the synod assembly members but extends to every baptized person and every particular Church.

At this juncture, all are summoned to come together in the communion of prayer. The cardinal stressed the importance of invoking the Holy Spirit persistently to help discern the will of the Lord for His Church in today’s context.

Call for Unanimous Prayer by Bishops Cardinal Grech urged bishops to actively seek “unanimous and unceasing prayer” on behalf of the synod assembly.

This call is directed towards Catholics within their dioceses, with particular attention to members of monastic communities.

The cardinal underlined that the initial step in this prayer journey is attentive listening to the Word of God and the guidance of the Spirit.

This, he explained, is the fundamental contribution expected from every baptized individual participating in the synodal assembly, recognizing the indispensable role of the Spirit in the life of the Church.

The Synod on Synodality: A Global Endeavor Initiated by Pope Francis in October 2021, the Synod on Synodality is a multiyear, worldwide endeavor.

It entails soliciting feedback from Catholics in local dioceses regarding the Spirit’s direction in fostering unity and collaboration in the Church’s journey together.

The Synodal Process Stages The Church’s synodal process has advanced through diocesan, national, and continental stages. It is set to culminate in two global assemblies hosted at the Vatican.

The first assembly will take place from October 4 to 29, with the second scheduled for October 2024. These assemblies aim to provide guidance to the Pope on the theme: “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, Mission.”

Introduction to Hannah Brockhaus Hannah Brockhaus serves as the senior Rome correspondent for the Catholic News Agency. She hails from Omaha, Nebraska, and holds a degree in English from Truman State University in Missouri.

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