British Museum Deputy Director Steps Down Amid Missing Artifacts Investigation

Deputy Director’s Departure

Dr. Jonathan Williams, the Deputy Director of the British Museum, is leaving the institution, the BBC reports. The circumstances of his departure, whether voluntary or enforced, remain undisclosed as of now.

Missing Artifacts Scandal

Williams’ departure follows the discovery of an estimated 2,000 items missing, stolen, or damaged from the museum’s collection.

Dr. Williams supervised an investigation into the thefts after receiving information from a gem dealer, Dr. Ittai Gradel, who had seen museum artifacts on eBay. Williams initially responded, stating there was no suggestion of wrongdoing, but the museum has since acknowledged significant lapses.

Findings of Independent Review

An independent review, set to be published this week, will shed light on the incident. The review, led by individuals including Lucy D’Orsi, Chief Constable of the British Transport Police, and former board member Sir Nigel Boardman, aims to provide recommendations for improved security and record-keeping.

Trustees, including Chairman George Osborne, received a copy of the review, which was discussed at a recent board meeting.

Future Recommendations

Reports suggest the upcoming recommendations will emphasize enhancing security measures and strengthening record-keeping procedures within the museum.

This development comes amidst concerns about lapses in security leading to the significant loss and damage to the museum’s collection.

Ongoing Investigation and Developments

The incident remains under investigation, and details about the circumstances surrounding the missing items, their value, and the extent of the damage are expected to be detailed in the upcoming publication of the review.

Continuing Story

This is an ongoing news story, and further updates and developments are anticipated in the wake of the independent review’s publication.

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