Bride-to-Be Baffled After Being Prompted to Tip on $2K Dream Wedding Dress, Says It ‘Froze’ Her

Dress Hunt Starts Off Auspiciously

When Ina Josipović found her ideal wedding dress at the first boutique, she initially felt fortunate. But a bewildering prompt at checkout soured the experience.

Shocked by Tip Proposal for Big Purchase

Ina was astounded when the iPad payment system asked her to tip on the $1500-2000 dress. She froze, not expecting gratuity on such a major personal purchase.

Uncertain How Much Would Be Appropriate

Unsure what amount would be suitable, Ina discreetly asked her recently married friend who confirmed she hadn’t tipped on her gown. Ina ended up tipping just $50.

Critiques Practice of Tipping for Transaction

Ina questioned why stylists weren’t just given commission, arguing she hadn’t received true special service. Others agreed tipping culture has spun out of control.

Retail Workers Sympathize With Dilemma

Former retail staff noted the tip prompts stem from payment processor settings. Still, they concurred tipping on high-ticket wardrobe items is bizarre and unreasonable.
