Mother of Slain Transgender Teen Esther Ghey Resolves to Turn Tragedy into Positive Change

In the aftermath of the brutal murder of her transgender daughter, Brianna Ghey, Esther Ghey, 37, has become a beacon of strength and resilience.

Refusing to succumb to hatred, she has vowed to transform her grief into a lasting legacy that combats hate and advocates for positive change.

Turning Tragedy into Positive Change

Brianna Ghey fell victim to a premeditated murder by individuals she considered friends.

Scarlett Jenkinson and Eddie Ratcliffe, both 15 at the time, lured the 16-year-old to a park in Warrington, Cheshire, where she was fatally stabbed.

Despite the heinous nature of the crime, Esther Ghey remains determined to ensure her daughter’s death is not in vain.

Mindfulness Campaign and Internet Reform

Esther Ghey, previously a food technologist, has transitioned into an activist role, spearheading a campaign to introduce mindfulness into schools across the UK.

With over £95,000 raised for her cause, she aims to foster empathy and resilience among students.

Additionally, she advocates for internet reform, recognizing the need for fundamental change to create a safer online environment.

Peace In Mind Charity

Establishing the “Peace In Mind” charity, Esther Ghey aims to integrate mindfulness into primary school classes, emphasizing its role in building emotional resilience.

Mindfulness, a practice she has engaged in for eight years, has been a source of strength for her in coping with the loss of her daughter.

Compassion Over Hate

Despite the extreme nature of Brianna’s murder, Esther Ghey maintained her dignity throughout the trial.

Instead of calling for revenge, she urged compassion for the families of the murderers.

Rejecting hatred, she emphasizes the choice between letting tragedy destroy or inspire to create positive change.

Seeking Closure Through Advocacy

For Esther Ghey, closure comes in various stages. Witnessing the sentencing of Brianna’s killers marked one point of closure.

However, her vision for broader societal change, including mindfulness education in schools, represents another crucial milestone.

In her words, “You can’t cover up the terrible loss at the center of your life, nor would you want to. Instead, you try to build a new life around that huge vacuum.”

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