Breaking: Ubisoft’s Skull and Bones Open Beta Plagued by Server and Connectivity Issues

Ubisoft’s highly anticipated game, Skull and Bones, is currently navigating stormy waters. The Open Beta version of the game is plagued by severe server and connectivity issues, causing significant disruption to the gameplay experience. This problem, unfortunately, is not new; it persists from the Closed Beta phase which commenced in December 2023, indicating that Ubisoft has been unable to resolve the issue in a two-month window.

Always-Online Woes

The situation is further complicated by the fact that Skull and Bones is designed as an ‘always-online’ game. This means the game does not have an offline mode and is hence unplayable during these disruptions. This design choice has sparked criticism among players, many of whom prefer an offline mode to circumvent online connectivity issues.

Communication Breakdown

Adding to the players’ frustration, Ubisoft seems to have been silent on the issue. Players have reported a lack of communication from the developers on forums and Discord channels, even when issues were reported. This perceived negligence has soured the overall sentiment towards the game.

Channels for Player Communication Limited

Further escalating the situation, Skull and Bones will not be released on the popular gaming platform, Steam. Ubisoft has also shut down its official forums, further limiting communication avenues for players. These developments, coupled with the game’s already prolonged development phase, have raised serious concerns about the game’s viability at its final release.

Fears are growing that these ongoing server and connectivity issues could severely impact Skull and Bones’ playability and sales on its final release. Only time will tell if Ubisoft can navigate these choppy waters and steer its ship to a successful launch.

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