Bottled Packaged Goods – Type & Benefits

Bottled goods are packaged goods that have been bottled or canned, sealed for freshness. Packaged goods are items that have been pre-packed in some sort of container that protects the product from damage during storage and shipping. Bottled packaged goods can be divided into three categories: Water & Beverages, Foodstuff, and Other Goods. 

Water & Beverages: Water is an essential element for life and its consumption rate has been increasing at a faster pace than other commodities. Packaging of water and bottled beverages can be done in glass, PET or aluminium containers. The demand for alternative packages such as TetraPak cartons which are easier to carry and open has also increased. In addition, giving water a more appealing look with flavors or fruit added to it has increased demand. All these factors have made the packaging for this industry very competitive and development of new materials and processes technology is ongoing.

Foodstuff: The demand for packaged food is increasing as the population increases. Consumers tend to buy food in larger quantities than necessary because of the ease of carrying packaged food. The packaging has to be cost effective but also provide a way for easy opening and transferring from one place to another without spilling or contaminating the product.

Other Goods: Other goods that can be packed in bottles and cans include spices, condiments, confectionary products and dairy alternatives such as soy milk and rice milk.

Main Benefits of Bottled Packaged Goods


Bottled goods are generally portable, so they can be carried with them. They also protect the product from damage during shipping and storage.


 Packaging of bottled goods currently caters to many preferences for different people of all ages such as the elderly, children and teens. Such variety makes it much easier when you’re in a hurry and want to grab something fast.

Environmental Impact

 The environmental impact of bottled goods is debated heavily, but most people feel that whether it’s recyclable or not, the amount consumed should still be reduced. Some argue that recycling helps reduce the environmental impact of such packaging while others believe it actually increases carbon emissions and therefore does more harm than good. 

Long self-Life 

Bottled goods can have long shelf life, making them more accessible to people.

Brand Name 

By the time bottled goods are purchased by consumers, they have already gone through several levels of distribution and are therefore easily known by most people. They also often come in attractive packages with catchy names so their popularity is increased.

Bottle Packaging Design

The design of the bottled goods depends on their type. For example, drinks are sold in glass bottles while water is sold in PET or aluminium containers. The aim of most manufacturers is to make their product attractive and eye-catching. As such they tend to incorporate brand names into the label which makes it more reliable among people who can be quite picky about their drinks and food.

In conclusion, bottled goods are a great way to sell goods as they’re portable, have a long shelf life and consumers tend to buy them without questioning the quality.

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